Uplift of Symmetrical Anchor Plates by Using Grid-Fixed Reinforced Reinforcement in Cohesionless Soi

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinduolian1986
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Uplift response of symmetrical anchor plates with and without grid fixed reinforced(GFR)reinforcement was evaluated in model tests and numerical simulations by Plaxis.Many variations of reinforcement layers were used to reinforce the sandy soil over symmetrical anchor plates.In the current research,different factors such as relative density of sand,embedment ratios,and various GFR parameters including size,number of layers,and the proximity of the layer to the symmetrical anchor plate were investigated in a scale model.The failure mechanism and the associated rupture surface were observed and evaluated.GFR,a tied up system made of fiber reinforcement polymer(FRP)strips and end balls,was connected to the geosynthetic material and anchored into the soil.Test results showed that using GFR reinforcement significantly improved the uplift capacity of anchor plates.It was found that the inclusion of one layer of GFR,which rested directly on the top of the anchor plate,was more effective in enhancing the anchor capacity itself than other methods.It was found that by including GFR the uplift response was improved by 29%.Multi layers of GFR proved more effective in enhancing the uplift capacity than a single GFR reinforcement.This is due to the additional anchorage provided by the GFR at each level of reinforcement.In general,the results show that the uplift capacity of symmetrical anchor plates in loose and dense sand can be significantly increased by the inclusion of GFR.It was also observed that the inclusion of GFR reduced the requirement for a large L/D ratio to achieve the required uplift capacity.The laboratory and numerical analysis results are found to be in agreement in terms of breakout factor and failure mechanism pattern. Uplift response of symmetrical anchor plates with and without grid fixed reinforcement (GFR) reinforcement was evaluated in model tests and numerical simulations by Plaxis. Many variations of reinforcement layers were used to reinforce the sandy soil over symmetrical anchor plates. In the current research, different such as relative density of sand, embedment ratios, and various GFR parameters including size, number of layers, and the proximity of the layer to the symmetrical anchor plate were investigated in a scale model. The failure mechanism and the associated rupture surface were observed and as.GFR, a tied up system made of fiber reinforcement polymer (FRP) strips and end balls, was connected to the geosynthetic material and anchored into the soil. test results showed that using GFR reinforcement significantly improved the uplift capacity of anchor plates. It was found that the inclusion of one layer of GFR, which rested directly on the top of the anchor plate, was more effective in en hancing the anchor capacity itself than other methods. It was found that by including GFR the uplift response was improved by 29%. Multi layers of GFR proved more effective in enhancing the uplift capacity than a single GFR reinforcement. provided by the GFR at each level of reinforcement. In general, the results show that the uplift capacity of symmetrical anchor plates in loose and dense sand can be significantly increased by the inclusion of GFR. It was also observed that the inclusion of GFR reduced the requirement for a large L / D ratio to achieve the required uplift capacity.The laboratory and numerical analysis results are found to be in agreement in terms of breakout factor and failure mechanism pattern.
朋友们总说,草原上最好的季节是七八月,一望无际的碧草如毡如毯,上面盛开着数不清的五彩缤纷的花,如繁星在天,如落英在水,风过时草浪轻翻,花光闪烁,那景色是何等地迷人。但是不巧,我总赶不上这个季节,今年上草原时,又是八月之末了。  驱车上了草原,从围场县出发,翻过山,穿过茫茫林海,过一界河,刚才在山下沟谷中所感受的峰回路转和在林海里感觉到的绿浪滔天,一下都被甩到另一个世界上,天地顿时开阔得好像连自己的
《科学课程标准》十分强调“科学与现实生活的联系,要求学生能用所学知识解释生活和生产中的有关现象,解决有关实际的问题;了解科学在现代生活和技术中的应用极其对社会发展的意义。”在现实生活中,学生天天与科学打交道,却对生活中的科学熟视无睹,对科学缺乏兴趣,解决实际问题的能力得不到锻炼和提高,学与用分离,把科学学习与生活割裂开来。这就需要我们彻底改变观念,让学生回归生活,培养解决实际生活问题的能力。  一
摘 要:陶行知教育思想是我国历史上极为珍贵的文化遗产之一,在“五四”以后基础教育的“中国化”探索中曾经发挥了重大的作用,改革开放以来更是成为基础教育改革与发展的活跃元素,成为促使我国基础教育从“应试教育”向素质教育“转轨”的一股重要的助推力。本文通过实践“教学做合一”理论,来构建体育教学的有效性。  关键词:教学做;构建;体育教学;有效性  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992
一九八四年的高考作文,是给出两段话,让考生针对这两段话所反映的情况,联系实际写一篇议论文。条件和要求是这样的: 有的同学说:“每逢作文,自己常常感到无话可说,只好东拼西