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郝岩给人的第一印象是她非常象刘晓庆,就是看剧照也觉得她有刘晓庆的风采。据我观察郝岩的走红与她的面相、身材大有关系。论婀娜多姿,她是当今新潮导演理想人选;论长相,她秀美飘逸、双眼炯炯有神、俊秀里含蕴阴柔之美,说到底是属于那种两头都讨巧的“标准形象”。当然,郝岩的成长之路不是天生的。她出生于黑龙江富锦县花马乡一个农民的家庭,初中毕业,郝岩便踏上了闯荡 Hao Yan gives the first impression is that she is very much like Liu Xiaoqing, is to see the stills feel she has Liu style. According to my observation Hao Yan’s popularity with her face, body is greatly related. On graceful, she is the ideal candidate for today’s trendy director; On appearance, she is elegant and elegant, eyes bright, handsome in Yun-mei soft beauty, in the final analysis belong to the kind of both sides of the “standard image.” Of course, Hao Yan’s path of growth is not natural. Born in a peasant family in Homa Township, Fujin County, Heilongjiang Province, she graduated from junior high school.
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