Mining Behemoth in Takeover Tussle

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Rumors of a takeover of Rio Tinto,the world’s largest resource mining company,have Chinese iron ore customers and steel producers on edge Rio Tinto challenged BHP Billiton on December 11 with a possible deadline to make a formal takeover offer in what could be the second largest takeover ever. On November 8 BHP made public an informal proposal worth around$140 bil- lion,offering three of its shares for every one Rio share,but Rio rejected this propos- al.Over a month later,Rio applied to the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers in the UK to set a deadline for the potential bidder to formalize its intention in a“put up,or shut up”rule. Rumors of a takeover of Rio Tinto, the world’s largest resource mining company, have Chinese iron ore customers and steel producers on edge Rio Tinto challenged BHP Billiton on December 11 with a possible deadline to make a formal takeover offer in what could be the second largest takeover ever. On November 8 BHP made public an informal proposal worth around $ 140 bil- lion, offering three of its shares for every one Rio share, but Rio rejected this propos- al. Over a month later, Rio applied to the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers in the UK to set a deadline for the potential bidder to formalize its intention in a “put up, or shut up” rule.
[摘要]班主任素质的高低直接影响着学校教育质量的高低,学校管理者要尊重人、信任人、理解人、激励人、爱护人、采用民主、平等、和谐的管理模式,创设一种和谐的学校小气候,让每一位班主任都奋发向上、努力进取,从而使学校创新工作取得整体发展。  [关键词]以人为本 尊重 发现 激励    班主任是班级的组织者、领导者和教育者,是学校教育决策、计划的执行者,是班级各科教育、教学的协调者,是学校、家庭、社会的沟
对象:(1)上海远东女子足球队运动员18例,年龄24±2岁;身高168.35±4.04cm;体重63.76±76±7.54kg,于1997年第3轮全国足球联赛最后一场比赛前和赛后5小时分别采取唾液标本。(2)上海跳水队运动员11例(女7例,男4例),年龄? Subjects: (1)
1 对象和方法 1.1 对象 有机磷农药中毒者24例,其中男3例,女21例,平均年龄28.5岁,既往均无胃炎和胃溃疡病史。服有机磷农药量最少者为20ml,量多者为100ml,平均62.5ml。其中