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前不久,中国民生银行广州分行邀请广东一批民营企业家聚会座谈。席间几位广东企业家在大叹生意难做、风光难再后,不约而同地表示:要是小平他老人家还在、能第三次南巡该多好!要是江总书记能南巡一次多好!有人甚至发自内心地说:小平他老人家的灵魂能来一次都好啊! 一部当代的中国商战史,“广货”写下了最为壮观的篇章。而今,在政策倾斜、地利之便的优势渐渐消退之时,“广货”要再造新优势,只能靠人和,靠这块土地上的企业家超越自我。寄望于那些不可重演的历史事件与政策拉动,是不现实也不明智的。 其实,就在我们身边,已经有不少可歌可泣、令人心动的商战奇迹在出现。90年代的广东,一批商界新风云人物正在崛起。他们的创业经历证明:机会永远有,但不是人人有;成功永远在,成功在于探索的勇气、创新的冲动、踏实的管理和对消费者的真正承诺。 成功无捷径,但成功有方法。通过分享成功者的经验,我们就能获得一笔宝贵的无形资产。 几个月来,通过对广东各地数十家民营企业的调查,我们筛选出八位民企风云人物作为报道对象。我们的评选标准是:①所处行业的全国领导性品牌之一;②净资产亿元以上;③企业家素质优秀;④管理及作风比较科学,追求“阳光下的利润”。从这些标准看,他们都是经得起考验的。他们代表了广东民营企业的风貌与水平。 作为企业最稀缺的一种资源——企业家——不仅给社会创造税收、产品与就业机会,而且为社会提供他们的经验、知识、智慧,提供企业家文化。我们谨此向他们表示诚挚的谢意! Not long ago, China Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch invited a group of private entrepreneurs in Guangdong to meet and discuss. During the banquet, several Cantonese entrepreneurs said that if Xiaoping is difficult to do and the scenery is hard to come by, he said in unison that: If Xiao Ping’s old man is still there, he will be able to tour the south for the third time! If General Secretary Jiang can tour the South once more Someone even said from the bottom of his heart that Xiao Ping’s souls of the old people can come once and for all! The history of a contemporary Chinese commercial warfare, “Guanghuo” has written the most spectacular chapter. Nowadays, when the advantages of policy sloping and favorable geographical conditions gradually recede, it is only by relying on people and relying on the entrepreneurs on this land to surpass themselves. It is unrealistic and unwise to rely on historical events and policies that cannot be repeated. In fact, just around us, there have been many miraculous and exciting business war miracles. In Guangdong in the 1990s, a group of new figures in the business world are rising. Their entrepreneurial experience proves that opportunities will always exist, but not everyone will; success will always be, and success lies in the courage to explore, the impulse to innovate, practical management, and genuine commitment to consumers. There are no shortcuts to success, but there are ways to succeed. By sharing the experiences of successful people, we can obtain a valuable intangible asset. In the past few months, through the survey of dozens of private enterprises across Guangdong, we have selected eight people in the private enterprise as the target of reporting. Our selection criteria are: 1) one of the nation’s leading brands in the industry; 2) more than 100 million yuan in net assets; 3) excellent quality of entrepreneurs; 4) more scientific management and style, pursuing “profit under the sun”. From these criteria, they all stand the test. They represent the style and level of private enterprises in Guangdong. As one of the most scarce resources for enterprises - entrepreneurs - not only create taxation, products and employment opportunities for the society, but also provide society with their experience, knowledge, wisdom and entrepreneurship culture. We hereby express our sincere gratitude to them!
患者男 ,34岁 ,工人 ,因全腹疼痛24h入院。患者于1998年4月22日下午3时突然下腹部疼痛 ,并迅速向全腹扩散 ,伴有恶心呕吐 ,解稀便数次 ,无畏寒发热。当晚在外院给予抗炎、解痉、止痛等治疗
2014年是洪秀全诞辰200周年,太平天国运动失败150周年。多少年来,誉之者称之为复兴运动、民族革命、民主革命、农民革命、共产主义的践行者;毁之者诋之为粤匪、发逆、长毛、异端、极权主义的代言人。太平天国与洪秀全的功过是非,一言难尽。但这场延续10多年、波及10多个省份的建造人间天国的运动,造成数千万生命的丧失,则是不争的事实。  天王不用读书人  1850年2月末,道光帝驾崩,咸丰帝登基。一个月
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当前农村学生的学习情况究竟怎样? 经过六所小学的调查,得到这样一些情况: (一)百分之九十五的学生是农民子女。由于农业实行了生产责任制,学生每天都要承担繁重的家务,表现