
来源 :中学生数理化(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjjun05
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请同学们关注每月公布的话题,踊跃采稿(注意,一定要在话题公布后的一个月之内来稿),可以自由来稿,也可以教师组织集体来稿,我们将择优发表.这可是一次展示自己的好机会,快拿起笔,把你创作的乐趣与热情和大家一起分享吧! 来稿请寄郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》编辑部程哲收,或发送邮件至hhcz709526@yahoo.com.cn中.我们期待你的参与. 10月话题:自然界中哪些现象与光现象有关?请你用所学的知识解释一种现象. 11月话题:你知道各种透镜、面镜在生活中的应用吗?举一例,并用所学的物理知识加以解释. 编者 Ask the students to pay attention to the topics announced on a monthly basis, and actively recruit the manuscripts (note that the manuscript must be submitted within one month after the publication of the topic). You can write freely, or you can organize the collective manuscripts by the teacher. We will publish the articles of your choice. This is an exhibition. Give yourself a good chance to pick up the pen and share your fun and passion for creation with everyone! The submission should be sent to Cheng Zhe, Editor of the “School of Physics and Physics of Middle School Students”, 11 Shunhe Road, Zhengzhou, or email hhcz709526@yahoo .com.cn. We look forward to your participation. October Topic: What Phenomenon in Nature Is Related to Light Phenomenon? Please explain what you are learning by using what you have learned. November topic: You know that various lenses and masks are The application in life? Take an example and explain it with the physics knowledge. Editor
气象武器是利蹦人工影响天气和气候,将恶劣不利的气象条件加到敌方头上,而把有利气候条件留给自己,使气象条件发挥作战效能的技术系统. 人工造雾和消雾人工造雾的方法有两种