A two-dimensional analytical modeling for channel potential and threshold voltage of short channel t

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zengyuzhuo
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In the present work, a two-dimensional(2D) analytical framework of triple material symmetrical gate stack(TMGS)DG-MOSFET is presented in order to subdue the short channel effects. A lightly doped channel along with triple material gate having different work functions and symmetrical gate stack structure, showcases substantial betterment in quashing short channel effects to a good extent. The device functioning amends in terms of improved exemption to threshold voltage roll-off, thereby suppressing the short channel effects. The encroachments of respective device arguments on the threshold voltage of the proposed structure are examined in detail. The significant outcomes are compared with the numerical simulation data obtained by using 2D ATLAS~(TM) device simulator to affirm and formalize the proposed device structure. In the present work, a two-dimensional (2D) analytical framework of triple material symmetrical gate stack (TMGS) DG-MOSFET is presented in order to subdue the short channel effects. A lightly doped channel along with triple material gate having different work functions and symmetrical gate stack structure, showcases substantial betterment in quashing short channel effects to a good extent. The device functioning amends in terms of improved exemption to threshold voltage roll-off, so suppressing the short channel effects. The encroachments of each device arguments on the threshold voltage of the proposed structure are examined in detail. The significant results are compared with the numerical simulation data obtained by using 2D ATLAS ~ (TM) device simulator to affirm and formalize the proposed device structure.
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