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草原城市的崛起7月27日上午,我们参观了科尔沁博物馆。策马奔腾的成吉思汗、端庄的孝庄文皇后的雕塑,各种形状的石器、马头琴、祭祀法器、雕花马鞍和鼻烟壶等文物陈列在那呈,这一瞬间,我仿佛在时空里穿梭,作为清太宗爱新觉罗·皇太极之妃,顺治帝爱新觉罗·福临的生母,这位清初杰出的女政治家,一生培育、辅佐顺治、康熙两代君主,她的美貌和智慧都恍若在世,令人肃然起敬。通辽市委宣传部的行程安排甚是紧凑。紧接着我们乘两辆巴士浩浩荡荡开到了科尔沁新城区、经济技术开发区内陆港等现代化发展区域。我惊讶于这个曾欠发达地区发展态势之迅猛。成片的在建楼宇,紧张劳作的工人。面对这样 The Rise of the Prairie City On the morning of July 27, we visited the Horqin Museum. The horse of galloping Genghis Khan, dignified Xiao Zhuang Wen Queen’s sculptures, various shapes of stone, horse dances, sacrificial offerings, carved saddle and snuff bottles and other artifacts on display in this moment, I seem to shuttle in time and space, As a concubine of Qing Taizong’s Aixinjueluo and Huangtaiji, the birth mother of Shunzhi Emperor Aixinjueluoluofulin, this outstanding female politician in Qing Dynasty cultivated and assisted Shunzhi and Kangxi two generations of monarchs, Wisdom are reminding us of scenes alive, awe-inspiring. Tongliao Municipal Propaganda Department of the itinerary is very compact. Then we take the two buses to the mighty Corinth new city, Economic and Technological Development Zone inland ports and other modern development zones. I was surprised at the rapid development in this underdeveloped area. Into the building into pieces, tense working workers. Faced with this
各位代表:我受市人民政府委托,向大会报告我市2008年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况并提出2009年计划草案,请予审议,并请 Distinguished Delegates, I entrust Municipal P
China has mapped out a detailed plan to make Shanghai an international financial and shipping hub An economic center,a financial center,a shipping hub,a manufac
汾河是太原人民的母亲河。 2 0世纪末 ,太原市委、市政府对汾河太原城区段的水利进行了治理和沿河两岸的绿化美化工程。 1998年 10月 3日 ,工程正式动工。经过万名建设者的艰