Energy Dissipation and Apparent Viscosity of Semi-solid Metal during Rheological Processes PartⅠ: En

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:truby
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The energy dissipation caused by the viscous force has great effects on the flow property of semi-solid metal during rheological processes such as slurry preparing, delivering and cavity filling. Experimental results in this paper indicate that the viscous friction between semi-solid metal and pipe wall, the collisions among the solid particles, and the liquid flow around particles are the three main types of energy dissipation. On the basis of the hydromechanics, the energy dissipation calculation model is built. It is demonstrated that the micro-structural parameters such as effective solid fraction, particle size and shape, and flow parameters such as the mean velocity, the fluctuant velocity of particles and the relative velocity between the fluid and solid phase, affect the energy dissipation of semi-solid metal. The energy dissipation caused by the viscous force has great effects on the flow property of semi-solid metal during rheological processes such as slurry preparing, delivering and cavity filling. Experimental results in this paper indicate that the viscous friction between semi-solid metal and pipe wall, the collisions among the solid particles, and the liquid flow around particles are the three main types of energy dissipation. On the basis of the hydromechanics, the energy dissipation calculation model is built. It is for that micro-structural parameters such as as effective solid fraction, particle size and shape, and flow parameters such as the mean velocity, the fluctuant velocity of particles and the relative velocity between the fluid and solid phase, affect the energy dissipation of semi-solid metal.
尿素一般含氮46%,比硫铵含氮量高2.2倍,在干燥条件下,有良好的物理性。但是,施用方法不当,会降低尿素的利用率,影响效益。 1.要深施,不宜浅施。尿素深施可减少挥发损失,利用
Regorafenib是由德国Bayer Healthcare公司开发的多靶点酪氨酸激酶抑制剂类抗肿瘤药,主要用于治疗转移性结肠直肠癌,商品名称为Stivarga。该药为薄膜衣片,药用成分为其一水合