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在作文教学中,我们有时也遇到这样的场面:一道作文题出了,同时也作了一番说明和提示,学生们还是感到困惑,似乎并没有给他们启示什么指导什么,只是盯着黑板,冥思苦想也无所适从,即使有些学生还是硬着头皮写了下去,最后也不会有好的文章。究其根源,何也?如果撇去学生写作能力未达到较好的水平,还须我们从多方面付出自己艰辛的努力这个因素外,那么,另一个就是我们教师有时也命题不当所致了。要解决这个问题,即作文题是什么?其本质特征如何?怎样遵循其本质规律规范命题?诸如此类务必弄清楚的基本问题,其实并不是那么为我们所熟知的,也不是那样能用三言两语就说得明白的。另外,特别是近几年来,各种各类各式各样的写作的书确实出版了不少,其中也不乏许多从内容到体例俱佳的好书,然而,还有点令人颇感不足之处,就是翻阅有关写作的书,总不见有提及和阐释作文命题的问题。我们认为,这其实不光是作文教学中教师一方的事,也关涉到学生作文 In composition teaching, we sometimes encounter such scenes: A essay is written out, but also made some instructions and tips, the students still feel confused, it does not seem to give them any indication of what to guide, just stare at the blackboard There is no point in trying to think hard. Even if some students still write down, there will not be any good articles in the end. The root cause, if any, is that if we fail to reach a good level of students’ writing skills, we must also pay for our hard work from many aspects. Then, the other is that our teachers are sometimes incorrectly propositioned. To solve this problem, that is, what is the essay question? What is its essential characteristics? How to follow its essential laws and norms? The fundamental issues that must be clarified are actually not so well known to us, and it is not so much to say in a few words. Must understand. In addition, especially in recent years, a variety of books of various kinds and types of writing have indeed been published, among which there are also many good books that are excellent in terms of content and style. However, there are still a lot of inadequacies. At the same time, it is through reading books about writing that there is no question of mentioning and interpreting compositional propositions. We believe that this is not only a matter of teachers in composition teaching, but also related to student writing.
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