
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thd111
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Background: Recently, a significant association between Chlamydia trachomatis infection and postoperative trachomatous trichiasis (TT) recurrence was shown. The current study evaluated whether azithromycin treatment at the time of surgery could reduce recurrence. Methods: As part of Nepal’s national trachoma control programme, patients received azithromycin (53 patients) or placebo (56 patients) at surgery. Conjunctivae were graded for trachoma and swabbed to detect chlamydiae preoperatively and postoperatively up to 12 months. Logistic regression was performed for associations of treatment option with recurrence, infection, and active trachoma (by eye and by patient). Results: TT recurrence was 28.9%at 12 months. Recurrence was significantly lower for those with major TT at baseline in the azithromycin group at 12 months (p=0.03); incident recurrence was also significantly lower at 6 months (OR, 0.056; 95%CI, 0 to 0.423; p=0.004). There was a trend for increased recurrence among those with minor TT at baseline and for reduction of active trachoma and infection in the azithromycin group but not the placebo group. Conclusion: These data suggest that azithromycin treatment at the time of surgery may be warranted for patients with major TT. However, treatment should be investigated further for minor TT, for efficacy at subsequent time intervals and in other trachoma endemic settings. Background: Recently, a significant association between Chlamydia trachomatis infection and postoperative trachomatous trichiasis (TT) recurrence was shown. Methods current: As part of Nepal’s national trachoma control program, patients Conjunctivae were graded for trachoma and swabbed to detect chlamydiae preoperatively and postoperatively up to 12 months. Logistic regression was performed for associations of treatment option with recurrence, infection, and active trachoma (by eye and by patient). Results: TT recurrence was 28.9% at 12 months. Recurrence was significantly lower for those with major TT at baseline in the azithromycin group at 12 months (p = 0.03); incident recurrence was also significantly lower at at 6 months (OR, 0.056; 95% CI, 0 to 0.423; p = 0.004). There was a trend for increased recurrence among those with minor TT at baseline and for reduction of active trachoma and infection in the azithromycin group but not the placebo group. Conclusion: These data suggest that azithromycin treatment at the time of surgery may be warranted for patients with major TT. However, treatment should be Investigation further for minor TT, for efficacy at subsequent time intervals and in other trachoma endemic settings.
光绪年间,有“非蓝关戏不请”的说法。身为蓝关戏发祥地的莱州,无论节日庙会还是红白事都热闹非凡。  唱戏嘛,自然要搭台子。可别的戏一张台子就够了,蓝关戏却要搭两张台子;别的戏请一个戏班就行了,蓝关戏却往往要成双成对地请。只见左边台上那个班子,个个仙风道骨器宇轩昂;右边那个台子,却是奇装异服精灵古怪。  这戏的伴奏也是独特,只听一通铿锵的锣鼓响,不见寻常戏班的丝竹管弦。一通鼓罢,只见右边的班子先发制人
<正> 北京理工大学工程光学系和西南技术物理所经过一年的合作努力,于1989年三季度研制成功一台高精度双目标重复频率激光测距机,既可用于某系统的双目标测距,也可以单独使用