Spatial pattern and compositive structure of forests in Guizhou

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddr133
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Remote-sensing and field data of Guizhou forest resources in 2000 are processed using ArcGIS, with the production of forest resource distribution map, forest age class structure map, and forest canopy distribution map. Analysis of these data shows that: (1) though there are multiple types of forest resources, forest coverage is low (only 25.27%, excluding sparse woodland, shrub and underage-forest); (2) the geographical distribution of forests is quite uneven, mainly in the southeast of the province and in Zunyi prefecture; (3) the zonal evergreen broad-leaved forests have been seriously destroyed, with striking secondary features, i.e., coniferous forest and shrubbery account for the greatest proportion of Guizhou forests; (4) the timber-forest is much larger in area than shelter-forest and economic forest; (5) young-and-middle aged forests are more widely distributed than near-and-over matured forest; and (6) the forest of Guizhou is not enough to effectively protect the environment of karst mountain areas of the province. Remote-sensing and field data of Guizhou forest resources in 2000 are processed using ArcGIS, with the production of forest resource distribution map, forest age class structure map, and forest canopy distribution map. Analysis of these data shows that: (1) though there (2) the geographical distribution of forests is highly uneven, mainly in the southeast of the province and in Zunyi prefecture (only 25.27%, excluding sparse woodland, shrub and underage-forest); ; (3) the zonal evergreen broad-leaved forests have been seriously destroyed, with striking secondary features, ie, coniferous forest and shrubbery account for the greatest proportion of Guizhou forests; (4) the timber-forest is much larger in area than shelter -forest and economic forest; (5) young-and-middle aged forests are more widely distributed than near-and-over matured forests; and (6) the forest of Guizhou is not enough to effectively protect the environment of karst mountain areas of the province.
由西北林机厂设计制造的双人割草机分别在内蒙古鄂温克旗和红花尔基林业局进行了样机的生产试验。 The double mowers designed and manufactured by the Northwest Forestr