
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgr2020
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经1996年至1998年室内接种试验,分别比较了人工饲养带毒和自然带毒的茶翅蝽成虫和若虫的传病特点。结果显示:室内人工饲养带毒的3龄、4龄若虫接种泡桐发病率分别达61.7% 和46.5% ,高于自然带毒的若虫16% 的传病率。室内饲养带毒成虫的接种发病率为14.1% ,高于自然带毒成虫4.5% 的传病率。寄主体内病原的最短潜育期(MIP)室内饲毒3龄若虫为34 d,4龄为45 d,成虫处理为219 d;自然带毒若虫为243 d,成虫处理为257 d。6月接种苗多在当年表现病状,7月接种苗均在次年发病。3龄、4龄若虫接种后病原潜育期(IP)与泡桐苗累计发病率的关系分别为y= 0.847 2x+ 23.044(R2= 0.874 3),y= 0.759x+ 29.022 (R2= 0.801 9);由此得到相应的3龄潜育期中值LP50= 65.40 d 和4龄LP50= 66.472 d。室内3龄、4龄若虫在充分吸食病组织后,其传病力差异不大,且传毒后病原在寄主体内的潜育期中值没有明显的差异。 After 1996 to 1998 indoor vaccination test, respectively, compared with artificial feeding poisonous and naturally poisoned Entomophthora larvae and nymph transmission characteristics. The results showed that the incidence rates of paulownia inoculated with artificial feeding 3rd instar and 4th instar nymphs were 61.7% and 46.5% respectively, which were higher than those of naturally infected nymphs. The incidence of indoor incubation with poisoned adults was 14.1%, which was higher than the 4.5% prevalence of naturally infected adults. The minimum latent period (MIP) of pathogen in the host was 34 days for the third instar nymphs, 45 days for the fourth instar and 219 days for the adult worms. The natural nymphs were 243 days and the adults were 257 days. Inoculated seedlings in June more than the performance of symptoms in the year, July vaccination are in the following year onset. The relationship between the pathogenicity (IP) of the 3rd instar and the 4th instar nymphs after vaccination and the cumulative incidence of Paulownia seedlings were y = 0.847 2x + 23.044 (R2 = 0.874 3) and y = 0.759x + 29 respectively. 022 (R2 = 0.801 9). The corresponding median LP50 = 65.40 d in the third instar larvae and LP50 = 66.472 d in the fourth instar larvae were obtained. There was no significant difference in the pathogenicity of 3rd instar and 4th instar nymphs after full ingestion of the diseased tissues, and there was no significant difference in the median of the latent period of the pathogen in the host after being infected.
年逾八旬的老爸老妈哪儿都好,就是习惯了省吃俭用过日子,在衣食住行等方面总是精打细算,口挪肚攒,有时简直到了“葛朗台”的地步——一块抹布居然用了三年!  出于对父母身体健康、生活质量等多方面的综合考虑,我曾多次苦口婆心地劝说、开导他们,但均未奏效。万般无奈之下,我只好对老爸老妈使点“阴谋诡计”。  瞒天过海。每次回老家看望二老,我必要带上一些保健品、肉菜、日常生活用品等。这些东西都是我临行前新买的,
运用Nelder密度试验设计方法,研究了大叶相思林分的树冠生长以及多干现象与密度的关系。结果表明:1年生时各种密度林分均未郁闭,3年生、5年生、7年生时郁闭林分的单株面积上限分别为3.15 m 2·株
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一个月前,赵女士还只是东城区某检测部门的检测员。然而,现在的她却成了炙手可热的名模。这究竟是为什么呢?  ●意外相遇  “到现在连我自己都没搞清楚。”赵女士在接受采访时,笑着说:前几个月,食品健康中心的赵主任来我们单位做质检。我和同事一看,是一种叫“早餐第一步”的减肥早餐,就打趣说:“赵老,这早餐真能减肥吗?”“哈哈,你试试不就知道了。”赵老笑着说。  我知道赵老是著名的营养学家、食疗专家,上过很