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如何振兴吉林?这是我省各界人士普遍关注的一个大问题,和全国的经济形势相比,我们已经感到吉林落后了,并且认识到落后的原因是吉林的商品经济不发达,那么吉林的商品经济为何一直发展不起来呢?我以为正是传统的“以农为本”观念在根深蒂固地束缚着吉林,这是我省经济发展一直徘徊不前的重要原因之一。更新“以农为本”的观念,振兴吉林,这是我省经济发展的一个具有战略意义的大问题。 (一) “以农为本”是不是传统观念,这曾是一个众说纷纭的问题,我的回答是肯定的。我国封建社会从它诞生直到消亡的两千多年里,它的上层建筑和经济基础一直存在着这样的排列组合,即士农工商,如果排除官吏阶层的士,那么农工商中,农就是第一位的,而工商则完全处于附属的、陪衬的位置上。封建社会历代统治者为了维护其统治阶级的利益,便不断加深和强化民以农为本,以食为天的观念,从战国末年起便推行了一系列重农,轻工、抑商的政策。从此,以农为本、轻工抑商的政策便弥漫了整个封建社会。秦始皇登临泰山发表诏书,宣布“上农除末”(除末就是轻商),他采取“谪戍”政策,视商人为罪犯大批迁往边界,各种徭役、征兵、赋税,工商之人无不在先;商鞅 How to rejuvenate Jilin? This is a general concern of people from all walks of life in our province. Compared with the national economic situation, we have felt that Jilin is lagging behind and we realize that the reason for the backwardness is that Jilin’s commodity economy is underdeveloped. Why the economy has not developed? I think it is the traditional concept of “agriculture as the” entrenched in Jilin, which is one of the important reasons for the province’s economic development has been stagnant. Renewing the concept of “agriculture-based” and rejuvenating Jilin is a major issue of strategic significance for the economic development of our province. (A) It is not a traditional idea that “taking agriculture as the basis”. This was a controversial issue. My reply is in the affirmative. In the two thousand years since its birth and until its demise, the feudal society in our country has always had such a permutation and combination of superstructure and economic foundation. That is, peasants and peasants and peasants and businessmen, if they exclude officials and officials, are the first among agricultural and industrialists , While business is completely in the subsidiary, foil position. In order to safeguard the interests of their ruling class, the ancient rulers of the feudal society continuously deepened and intensified the idea of ​​“taking agriculture as the basis and taking the food as the principle”, and implemented a series of policies focusing on agriculture, light industry and suppression of commerce since the end of the Warring States Period . Since then, the policy of focusing on agriculture and restoring light industry has filled the entire feudal society. Qin Shi Huang on Taishan issued an edict, announced that “Shangnong eliminate the end” (except at the end is the light business), he adopted the policy of “garrison,” as a large number of merchants to criminals moved to the border, a variety of corvee, conscription, taxation, business people all In the first; Shang Yang
科纳克里专电 几内亚是非洲大陆一个美丽富饶的国家。 它位于非洲西部,濒临大西洋,面积24.5000万平方公里,整个国土常年被绿色的森林和植被所覆盖。面积虽小, Conakry Guin
在过去的八年中,我国农村经历了一场举世瞩目的变革。这场变革使我国基本上解决了占世界四分之一的人口的吃饭问题。其中一部分农民的生活逐渐从温饱走向富裕。 人们公认:中