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企业背景:长沙丰日电气集团有限公司创建于1980年,是国内最早生产直流电源设备的专业企业,已形成年生产蓄电池8KvAn直流电源设备柜500台套的生产能力,年产值可达1.6亿元,是国家邮电部、电力部、铁道部、广电总局,总参通信兵总部质量认证入网定点生产的厂家之一。丰日电气集团董事长黎福根依靠3000元起家,从一个很不起眼的山沟里的私营企业发展到今天跻身于全国最大私营企业500强。他们开发的丰日48V组合电流等系列产品列入国家A级火炬计划,其技术、性能指标达到国际先进水平。黎福根连续几年当选为湖南省九届人大代表,全国工商联执委,并连续几次受到江泽民、李鹏等党和国家领导人的接见。近日记者就民营企业如何加快持续发展的问题,采访了黎福根。时间:2001年4月18日地点:长沙丰日电气集团有限公司办公室记者:黎总,您好,中国的民营企业走到今天,普遍面临第二次创业的问题,丰日最近高层管理的人事变动很大,是不是意味着丰日企业管理模式的变化? 黎:不错!丰日经过多年的发展,从一个小作坊成为全国民 Company Background: Founded in 1980, Changsha Fengri Electric Group Co., Ltd. is the earliest professional manufacturer of DC power supply equipment in China. It has formed the production capacity of 500 sets of 8KvAn DC power supply equipment cabinet annually, with an annual output value of 160 million yuan , Is one of the manufacturers of the State Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Electric Power, the Ministry of Railways, the State Administration of Radio Film and Television, headquarters of the General Staff Corps of Communications quality certification network sentinel production. Lai Fukon, Chairman of Fengri Electric Group, relied on 3,000 yuan to develop from a very humble private enterprise in the valley to one of the top 500 private-owned enterprises in the country today. They developed the abundance of 48V portfolio current and other products included in the national A-level Torch Program, its technology, performance indicators have reached the international advanced level. For several years in succession, Li Fukeng was elected as the deputy to the Ninth National People’s Congress of Hunan Province and the executive commission of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. He was interviewed successively by the party and state leaders Jiang Zemin and Li Peng several times in succession. Recently, the reporter interviewed Li Fugen on how to accelerate the sustainable development of private-owned enterprises. Time: April 18, 2001 Venue: Office of Changsha Fengri Electric Group Co., Ltd. Reporter: Mr.Li, Hello, China’s private enterprises come to this day. They generally face the problem of the second start-up. The most senior personnel management in Fengri Variations, does not mean that the abundance of business management changes? Li: Yes! After many years of development Feng, from a small workshop to become the nation
《新华文摘》1999年第9期“人物与回忆”栏所载《傅作义将军的历史抉择》一文云: 何(思源)李(宗仁)几乎每夜都交谈到很晚,有时乐观,有时伤感,但是更多的时候是一筹莫展,茫茫
任何一门学科,都包含三个方面的内容。 1、为了研究一门学科,所需要掌握的专有名词,术语及相应的数学符号,这就是基本概念。例如,拉压、剪切、扭转、弯曲、应力、应变等等,
’95甲A联赛轰轰烈烈的落了幕。如果让我用两个字来形容今年甲A联赛,那么“辉煌”就应该是首选,虽然发生过令人不愉快的事,但那并非主流。 这个时候,应该高兴,应该庆祝,但更
郝海东是八一足球俱乐部队的主力前锋,前不久在代表国家队同乌拉圭佩那罗尔队的访华比赛中表现不错,踢得很努力。赛后佩队官员很赏识海东,提出了想要购买他的要求。 消息传
Muneo Yoshikawa在Modern Language Journal 1982年第4期上对个体、语言、意义和交际四者的定义和概念提出新的见解.他援引Harold C.Lyon的话说,“我们可以溶感情于学习过程
一次电话联系,便敲定了采访时间。王福章给我的第一印象是人很爽快。 如约来到王教练家,一阵寒暄过后,环顾布置简朴的二室一厅,对奋斗在我国一线队伍的网球教练员的生活状况
论文手稿常见文字符号错误用法一百例 One Hundred Examples of Wrong Usage of Text Symbols in Thesis Manuscripts