
来源 :国外医学.泌尿系统分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p6688718
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临床上认识到膀胱输尿管逆流的存在已近一个世纪。因本病主要发生于婴幼儿,初期的报道多以小儿为主。随着对本病的进一步了解,观察到有一些病孩,膀胱输尿管逆流程度不重,此种障碍可持续至成年期,故近三十年来关于成年人因膀胱输尿管逆流而发生不良后果的报道日渐增多。由于反复尿路感染导致积尿系统疤痕形成、肾脏萎缩及肾功能减退等严重并发症。因而本病受到许多学者的注意。本文就有关这方面的文献综述如下。 [膀胱输尿管连接处的解剖生理]早在1963年国内沈家立曾详细地叙述了防止逆流的结构主要由支持粘膜下输尿管的肌肉组成:1.外层纵肌。是粘膜下输尿管及输尿管裂孔的主要结构,其肌肉纤维的 Clinically aware of the existence of vesicoureteral reflux for nearly a century. Because of this disease occurs mainly in infants and young children, the initial report mostly in children. With the further understanding of the disease, some patients were observed, the degree of vesicoureteral reflux is not heavy, this disorder can be sustained until adulthood, so nearly 30 years of adult urinary bladder reflux due to the adverse consequences of the reported Increasingly. Due to repeated urinary tract infections lead to urinary system scar formation, renal atrophy and renal dysfunction and other serious complications. Thus the disease has been the attention of many scholars. This article on the literature review in this regard are as follows. [Anatomy and physiology of vesicoureteral junction] As early as 1963, Shen Jiali once described in detail the structure of anti-reflux to be mainly composed of muscles supporting submucosal ureter: 1. Outer longitudinal muscle. Submucosal ureter and ureter is the main structure of the hole, the muscle fiber
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取一直径30—40mm,长约350—400mm带塞玻管,橡皮塞中插入两根金属电极,竖放在放有水的玻璃水槽中,电极接在感应圈上。 操作方法 用感应圈产生的高压电弧在密闭管中放电,被封
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许多数学竞赛题中的平几题,运用两点间距离公式P_1P_2=((x_2-x_1)~2+(y_2-y_1)~2)~(1/2)去解,它会给我们带来较大的方便。请看下例。 例1 四边形ABCD中,∠ABC=135°, In ma