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10年来,三亚历届市委、市政府正确处理经济发展与环境保护的关系,坚持在发展经济中大力保护生态环境,并在生态环境建设中进一步促进改革开放,推动社会经济全面进步;明确以人民群众生活质量的不断改善为根本,以建设国际一流热带海滨风景旅游城市为动力的战略思想,大力发展生态经济,取得了显著的成绩。其间,三亚市先后获得了全国造林绿化“十佳城市”、全国环境综合整治“优秀城市”、“中国优秀旅游城市”等荣誉称号,通过了“国家园林城市”专家组验收,并被世界旅游协会誉为“21世纪最有希望的旅游目的地”。一、坚持重点实施生态建设工程,增强社会经济可持续发展后劲为了把三亚建成名符其实的国际热带海滨风景旅游城市,三亚市认真编制实施了《三亚市生态示范区建设规划》,力争变资源优势为产品优势,建成一个社会经济与自然环境协调发展的人工生态体制。规划确定了以生态经济系统、城镇景观生态体系、海岸带自然保护区、陆地自然保护区、生态农业、陆域生态环境保护和环境质量控制为重 In the past 10 years, all municipal Party committees and municipal governments in Sanya have correctly handled the relationship between economic development and environmental protection, insisted on vigorously protecting the ecological environment in the development of economy, further promoted reform and opening up and promoted all-round social and economic progress in the construction of the ecological environment, Quality of life as the fundamental basis for building a world-class tropical seaside scenery of the tourist city as the driving force of strategic thinking, vigorously develop the ecological economy, and achieved remarkable results. In the meantime, Sanya City has won the honorary title of afforestation and afforestation, “top ten cities”, comprehensive improvement of the national environment, “excellent city” and “China’s Outstanding Tourist City”. It passed the “National Garden City” Expert group acceptance, and was hailed as “the most promising tourist destination in the 21st century” by the World Travel Association. First, adhere to focus on the implementation of ecological construction projects, and enhance the sustainability of social and economic stamina In order to build a truly Sanya international tropical seaside scenery of the tourist city, Sanya City, carefully compiled and implemented the “Sanya City Ecological Demonstration Zone Construction Plan” and strive to change resources Advantages for the product advantages, built a coordinated development of social economy and the natural environment of the artificial ecological system. Planning to determine the ecological and economic systems, urban landscape ecosystem, coastal zone nature reserves, land nature reserves, ecological agriculture, land ecological environment protection and environmental quality control as the most important
目的 :分析剖宫产率及其指征的变化 ,以及对新生儿窒息率、新生儿病死率的影响。方法 :采用回顾性分析的方法 ,对 1 980~ 2 0 0 2年在我院分娩 3785 6例 ,其中剖宫产 6733例的
6月15日浙江图书馆汽车图书馆首次开通,浙江图书馆副馆长贾晓东等赴第一个流通点杭州观音塘江汀社区开展 June 15 Zhejiang Library Automotive Library opened for the fi
<正> 清淡饮食最为佳,五谷杂粮并不差。一日三餐八分饱,饥饿可配菜豆渣。日用脂肪选素油,多用调料少烹炸。甜肥咸食均不宜,贪杯痛饮更可怕。体弱消瘦口发馋,可食瘦肉鸡与鸭。