Intensity Allocation Criteria of Carbon Emissions Permits and Regional Economic Development in China

来源 :Advances in Climate Change Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wm3033
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The intensity allocation criteria of carbon emissions permits and its influence on China’s regional development are analyzed through the 30-province/autonomous region computable general equilibrium(CGE) model.Simulation results show that:industrial intensity criteria without taking regional economic development into account deepen the unbalance of regional economic development;regional intensity criteria without taking industrial properties into account exert little negative impact on regional harmonious development,but relatively high negative influence on high-carbon emission industries.The two-step allocation scheme that the central government allocates emissions permits to provincial governments based on regional economic development and then provincial governments allocate emissions permits to emission resources or entities based on industrial properties is a feasible and operable choice. The intensity allocation criteria of carbon emissions permits and its influence on China’s regional development is analyzed through the 30-province / autonomous region computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Simulation results show that: industrial intensity criteria without taking regional economic development into account deepen the unbalance of regional economic development; regional intensity criteria without taking industrial properties into account exert little negative impact on regional harmonious development, but relatively high negative influence on high-carbon emission industries the two-step allocation scheme that the central government allocates emissions permits to provincial governments based on regional economic development and then provincial governments allocate emissions permits to emission resources or entities based on industrial properties is a feasible and optionally choice.
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