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1937年7月7日,日军突然在卢沟桥发动进攻,炮轰宛平城。中国驻军奋起抵抗,由此中国人民艰苦卓绝的抗日战争拉开了序幕。8月13日,日军重兵进攻上海,妄图三个月内灭亡中国。中国军民与日寇展开了激战,然历时三个月的淞沪会战最终以中国的失利而宣告结束。11月12日,除租界以 July 7, 1937, the Japanese army suddenly launched an offensive in Lugouqiao, shelling Wanping City. The Chinese garrison has risen to resist. As a result, the Chinese people’s arduous war of resistance against Japanese aggression kicked off. On August 13, the Japanese army heavily attacked Shanghai in an attempt to perish China within three months. Chinese military and civilians started a fierce battle with the Japanese invaders. However, the three-month battle of Songhu in Shanghai finally ended with the defeat of China. November 12, in addition to the concession
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肝癌的恶性程度极高 ,仅 2 0 %的患者于确诊时能手术切除 ,且术后仍有 3 0 %~ 70 %的复发率[1 ] 。据Takayasu等[2 ] 报道 ,在 672例肝癌的治疗中 ,经肝动脉化疗栓塞术 (TACE
马鲁铭 ,男 ,1 95 9年生 ,江苏镇江人。 1 978年考入同济大学给水排水专业 ,1 988年8月在同济大学环境工程专业获博士学位 ,同年分配到华东理工大学工作。 1 992年晋升副教授