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摆手舞作为一种本土信仰的祭祀活动,是土家族最大的民俗活动之一。摆手舞既是一种祭仪,也是一种傩仪,经过历史的变迁,它现在已经褪去了宗教的色彩,成为一种纯粹的民间舞蹈,2006年摆手舞还被列入“非遗”名录进入保护。考察摆手舞及其祭祀对象的流变史,我们可以总结出仪式的意动性特征。同时摆手舞及整个人类学意义上的仪式是口传时代的产物,要分析仪式,我们需要了解口传时代的文化特征和符号编码特征。本文就是从这一角度,结合人类学、符号学、土家族民族学等理论和材料展开的阐述。 Hand-waving as a sacrificial offering of local faith is one of the largest folk activities in Tujia. Wave hand dance is both a ritual and a kind of ritual instrument. After historical changes, it has now faded the religious color and became a pure folk dance. In 2006, hand-waving dance was also included in the “non-legacy” Directory into protection. When examining the history of the dance of hand-waving and the sacrificial objects, we can conclude the motivational characteristics of the ceremony. At the same time hand-waving and rituals in the anthropological sense are the product of the oral tradition. To analyze rituals, we need to understand the cultural characteristics and symbolic characteristics of the oral tradition. This article is from this perspective, combined with anthropology, semiotics, Tujia ethnology and other theories and materials elaborated.
东府办[2014]36号各镇人民政府(街道办事处),市府直属各单位:现将《东莞市节能减排财政政策综合示范城市项目管理暂行办法》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 Dongfu Office [20
Two new coordination polymers [Cd(EBLA)(ip)(H2O)](1) and [Ni(EBSA)(im)2(H2O)]n(2) were synthesized by hydrothermal and solution methods using 2,2’-dithiosalicy
中孕引产或钳刮术后常易造成宫腔内残留胎骨 ,往往导致继发性不孕、阴道不规则出血、腹痛及腰骶部不适等 ,并常因误诊而延误治疗。 1998年11月~ 2 0 0 2年 11月 ,我们在B超监
对水库坝处年径流量进行了分析。 Annual runoff at reservoir dam is analyzed.
一、全省公共财政预算执行情况  (一)收入执行情况  1至6月,全省公共财政收入2360.60亿元,比上年同期增长(以下简称“增长”)8.2%,完成预期的57.6%,其中:税收收入2186.50亿元,增长7.9%,完成预期的57.0%;非税收入174.10亿元,增长11.6%,完成预期的65.2%。  税收收入分项目完成情况:  (1) 增值税295.34亿元,增长6.4%,完成预期的51.5%。