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“一向以‘小快灵’战术而闻名于神州足坛的北京队,这次怕不灵了。”一些足球业余“评论家”这样预测82年度全国足球甲级队联赛的北京队战绩。而在1982年10月24日,北京队用三次进攻、高中锋抢点等多变的战术力克最后一名对手上海队后,以雄居各队之上的44分总成绩跨上冠军席时,这些人都闭上嘴,后悔当初多件了一回舌头,小瞧了以“弹簧垫”著称的北京一队主教练曾雪麟…… 47年前,曾雪麟跟随父母从旅居的泰国回到了足球之乡——广东省梅县。此时,年仅七岁的他并不是一个足球爱好者,而是个篮球迷,从看到打,很快小观众成了小球星。43年到梅训中学就读后不久,就成了校代表队中一员虎将,后卫、边锋,远距投递、篮 “The Beijing team, who has always been famous for the tactics of” Little Cleverness “in the Shenzhou football field, was afraid of being intimidated this time.” Some football amateur “critics” predicted the Beijing team record of the 1982 National Football League Class A league record. In October 24, 1982, the Beijing team with three offensive, high center Qiangdian and other changeable tactical Lectra last opponent Shanghai team to dominate each team on the 44 points total score on the championship seats , These people are shut up, regretted the original pieces of a tongue back, looked down on the “spring pad” known Beijing coach Zeng Xuelin ... ... 47 years ago, Zeng Xuelin followed their parents from Thailand living back to the hometown of football - Meixian, Guangdong Province. At this point, he was not only a seven-year-old soccer fan, but a basketball fan, from playing to see, and soon the small audience has become a small star. 43 years to Mei Zhuang secondary school shortly after the school team became a tiger, defender, winger, long-range delivery, the basket
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八二年九月在南斯拉夫举行的世界举重锦标赛上,苏联运动员尤里克·萨尔基斯扬一举夺得六十公斤级世界举重冠军,抓、挺举两项成绩都平了这个项目的世界 At the World Weight