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家庭理财,当今颇为热门,受到人们普遍的重视。然而,在生活中,还存在着一种“不是理财的理财”的事实,尚未引起人们的足够重视,其实,如果我们平时能够保持清醒的头脑,高度重视它的存在并时时小心谨慎,多加留意,虽然它并非“理财”,但有时却能获得比刻意去”理财”还要大得多的经济效益。这方而的实例很多。譬如:过去常讲“身体是革命的本钱”;现在也有“健康是福”一说。而今患病住一次医院的开销至少都在4位数以上,生病致穷时有听说。如果你身体很健康,就可不上医院不吃药,无形中就可能节约下一大笔开支。所以,平时注意在健康上作些投资,注意营养, Family financial management, today is quite popular, by people’s universal attention. However, the fact that there is still a “financial management that is not financial management” in our daily life has yet to attract people’s attention enough. In fact, if we can always keep a clear head, attach great importance to its existence and be careful about it, pay more attention , Although it is not “money management”, it can sometimes achieve far greater economic benefits than deliberately “managing money.” There are many examples of this. For example: In the past often said that “the body is the capital of revolution”; now there is “health is blessing”. At present, the cost of a hospital is at least 4 digits, and when you are ill, you have heard about it. If you are in good health, you do not need to go to the hospital to take medicine, and you can virtually save the next big expense. So, usually pay attention to make some investment in health, pay attention to nutrition,
投资预算:投资可大可小,购设备在1万元左右即可开办,店面约5-8平方米,店面500元,人员2-3人。效益分析:按每天销售放心米300公 Investment Budget: Investment can be more
The Department of Commerce has recently re-leased the 2002 list of the top 500 Chinesecompanies with the largest import and export The Department of Commerce
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中国人民银行监测的企业间商品批发价格变动情况显示,8月份,企业商品价格总水平继续回升,较上月上升0.5%,较上年同期上升1.9%;1~8月份,较上年同期上升1.3%。 The changes in wh