
来源 :中国铁路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnreon
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新年伊始,万象更新。本刊在《铁道科技动态》的基础上创刊以来,已走过了三年的历程。三年来,《中国铁路》杂志在铁道部、铁路局、科研单位、大专院校等路内外广大读者的大力支持下,在编委、通讯员的共同努力下,已取得了一定的成绩。新的一年里,《中国铁路》在加快改革步伐的形势下,将继续宣传“科学技术是第一生产力”的思想,针对我国铁路现代化的需要,面向运输生产主战场,围绕国家和铁道部有关交通运输的重大方针政策、规划以及铁路各专业科学技术喲研究与应用、科学管理方法、国内外铁路运输业发展趋势、铁路重大建设项目及重大科研项目等进行精心选题和系统、及时的报道,把中国铁路 New year new life. This magazine has started a history of three years since it was founded on the basis of “Railway Science and Technology Dynamics.” In the past three years, under the joint efforts of editorial board members and correspondents, China Railway has made great achievements with the support of readers from both inside and outside the Ministry of Railways, the Railway Administration, research institutes and tertiary institutions. In the new year, under the situation of accelerating the pace of reform, “China Railway” will continue to promote the idea of ​​“science and technology being the primary productive force.” In line with the needs of China’s railway modernization and the main battlefield of transport and production, the “China Railway” Major topics, policies and plans for transportation, research and application of science and technology in various fields of railway, scientific management methods, development trends of domestic and international railway transportation industry, major railway construction projects and major scientific research projects are carefully selected and systematically implemented in a timely manner Reported that the China Railway
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在黄海之滨、苏鲁交界处的江苏省赣榆县,充分发挥沿海资源的优势,加速海州湾的开发和利用,全县经济发生了深刻变化。1985年全县工农业总产值达107 000万元,比1979年的25 743
甲状腺机能亢进(简标甲亢)引起肝脏损害较为常见,但引起深度黄疸者很少见。我院曾遇3例,均误诊为病毒性肝炎。现举一例如下: Hyperthyroidism (abbreviated hyperthyroidis