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相关背景阿富汗1 921年摆脱英国控制获得独立。1 953年查希尔国王开始理政,并任命其堂兄达乌德为首相。1 973年7月1 7日,达乌德联合一批亲苏青年军官,乘国王在外治病之机发动政变,宣布废除君主立宪制,成立共和国,对外奉行“中立、不结盟”政策。但后期达乌德因对苏联表示出离心倾向而招致杀身之祸。1 978年4月,苏联支持阿人民民主党发动政变,推翻了达乌德,建立阿富汗民主共和国,组成了以该党主席塔拉基为首的新政府。1 979年9月,苏联打算利用塔拉基除掉越来越不听话且大权独揽的总理阿明,结果塔拉基反被阿明杀掉。此后,阿明与苏联关系破裂。1 979年1 2月27日,苏联派遣十万大军侵入阿富汗,扶植阿人民民主党“旗帜派”领导人卡尔迈勒上台。本文作者弗拉基米尔·斯涅吉列夫20世纪80年代曾是((真理报》驻阿富汗战地记者、((对话入》报主编,现任《旅行与休闲》杂志主编。80年代末,一个偶然的机会,他接触到被幽禁在莫斯科的阿前领导人卡尔迈勒。本文记录下与卡尔迈勒的几次秘密访谈,披露了一些鲜为人知的政治内幕:从1 9了8年推翻达乌德的四月革命,到1 979年末血腥的政权更迭和苏军入侵阿富汗,以及1 986年废卡(尔迈勒)扶纳(吉布拉)。所有这些政治事件无不反映了苏美两个超级大国在中亚的势力争夺,其结果是使阿富汗这个贫瘠的国家成为冷战的牺牲品。持续了20余年的阿富汗噩梦缘何而起?一个毫无影响的国家为何成为世界关注的焦点?读罢此文,相信你会从中找到答案。 Related Background Afghanistan gained independence from British control in 1921. In 1953 King Zaher began his administration and appointed his cousin Dawood as prime minister. On July 17, 1973, Daoud united a group of young pro-Soviet military officers to take coup by taking advantage of the King’s medical treatment. He announced the abolition of constitutional monarchy, the establishment of a republic, and a foreign policy of “neutrality and non-alignment.” But in the latter part of Dayu De because of the centrifugal tendencies of the Soviet Union incurred the curse of death. In April 1978, the Soviet Union backed the Albanian Democratic Party in launching a coup, overthrowing Dawood, establishing the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and forming a new government led by its leader, Taraki. In September 1979, the Soviet Union intended to use Taraki to get rid of the increasingly disobedient and sovereign Prime Minister Armin. As a result, Taraki was killed by Amin. Since then, Amin and the Soviet Union burst. On January 27, 1979, the Soviet Union sent hundreds of thousands of troops to invade Afghanistan, propping up the leader of the Afghan People’s Democratic Party “Banner” Carmel Meyer. The author of this article, Vladimir Snegiglif, was a former correspondent for The Pravda in Afghanistan in the 1980s and editor in chief of the Journal of Travel and Leisure. In the late 1980s, Occasionally, he came into contact with former Pakistani al-Qaeda leader Carl Camel, who was kept in Moscow. This article documents several intimate interviews with Carmel, disclosing some of the lesser-known political insider’s views: from 19 to 8 years of overthrow Daoud’s April Revolution, the bloody regime change and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late 1979, and the abolition of the retired card (Al-Mal’er) in January (Djibouti) in 1986. All these political events reflected the fact that the Soviet Union and the United States The result of fighting for power in Central Asia between the two superpowers turned out to be the victim of the cold war in Afghanistan, a barbaric country where more than two decades of Afghan nightmares arose and why an influential nation became the focus of world attention. Stop this article, I believe you will find the answer.