Particle number scale invariant feature of the states around the critical point of the first order n

来源 :Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zero_alan
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We study systematically the evolutive behaviors of some energy ratios,E2 transition rate ratios and isomer shift in the nuclear shape phase transitions.We find that the quantities sensitive to the phase transition and independent of free parameter(s) are approximately particle number N scale invariant around the critical point of the first order phase transition,similar to that in the second order phase transition. We study systematically the evolutive behaviors of some energy ratios, E2 transition rate ratios and isomer shift in the nuclear shape phase transitions. We find that the quantities sensitive to the phase transition and independent of free parameter (s) are approximately particle number N scale invariant around the critical point of the first order phase transition, similar to that in the second order phase transition.
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