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我敢说,大凡作文者发了文章,除了想见见样刊外,主要还是踮起脚来盼那点稿酬。一者,求得收支平衡,因为文人写稿、投稿,离不开笔墨纸张和邮票这几样投入(当然“公差”例外)。若是那些靠烟熏酒浇去激发创作灵感的,则开销更大了;二来,付出了劳动,希望得到回报,且受之无愧。我想,倘若写稿不付稿酬,十有八九文人是会搁笔不干的,因为做文章同样也离不开经济基础。 本人算不上“正宗文人”,更不是什么“大腕”或是“名家”。只是在公务之余,亦喜写上两笔,每年倒也有几十篇文章散见于各地报刊,便时不时有些预算外收入进帐。于是,便有人以为我因此而收入颇丰,进入了“款”的行列,希望我能给弟兄们指条财路。殊不知本人有苦难言,欲说稿酬还“羞”。 时下稿酬标准之低,说出来也许局外人不相信,还以为作文者们在装穷叫苦。事实上据我这几年亲身 I dare say that most essayers have made an essay. Apart from wanting to see the samples, they are still mainly trying to get their feet up for remuneration. One, for the balance of payments, because literary writers, posting, can not be separated from the pen and paper and stamp these kind of investment (of course, “tolerance” exception). If those inspired by the smoked wine to inspire, then the greater the cost; Second, to work, hope to be rewarded, and deserved. I think if written manuscripts are not paid, there are no fewer than a dozen or so scholars who will quit writing because the same can not be done without an economic foundation. I am not really “authentic scholar”, but not what “big name” or “famous.” It is only during official business that I also like to write two articles each year. Dozens of articles are published in newspapers and magazines all over the country every year. From time to time, some extra-budgetary incomes are charged to the accounts. As a result, some people think that I am quite profitable and have entered the ranks of “money” and hope I can give my brothers a good fortune. I do not know I have hard words, I would like to say remuneration also “shame.” Nowadays, the standard of remuneration is low. When it comes out, outsiders may not believe it. They also think that writers are complacent. In fact, according to me in recent years personally