
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouj1790
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跨地区跳跃作案,这是当今国际刑事犯罪活动的一个突出特点。随着国际间联系的增多、社会的开放以及进出境手续的日益简化,促进了世界各国、各地区之间的交流,促进了人财物的流动。因此,各国、各地区间的犯罪分子也乘机相互勾结,往往在甲国(地)作案,到乙国(地)销赃和藏匿。广东和香港紧密相联,刑事犯罪活动的相互渗透早已存在。我国实行改革开放以来,粤港的交流日益广泛和频繁,两地的犯罪分子利用特殊的地理位置以及法律、社会制度间的差异,跨境进行犯罪活动愈演愈烈。80年代末,每年广东省抓获的香港入境犯罪分子只有几十名,1990年抓获115名,近两年来每年抓获300名左右。香港入境犯罪分子作案也日益猖獗,暴力性犯罪增多,不少恶性案件均为香港犯罪分子所为。客观现实要求粤港警方加强打击跨境犯罪的合作。1997年临近,维护香港地区的繁荣稳定,保障香港的平稳过渡是我们的一项重要任务。因此,加强对粤港警方打击跨境犯罪合作的研究,采取切实有效的对策措施,使合作向深层次、务实型方向发展,已引起广东警界和法学界的高度重视。 Cross-regional jump crime, this is a prominent feature of today’s international criminal activities. With the increase of international connections, the opening up of society and the simplification of the procedures for entry and exit have promoted exchanges between countries and regions in the world and promoted the flow of people and property. Therefore, criminals among countries and regions also took the opportunity to collude with each other and often committed crimes in State A (state) and seized stolen goods and concealed them in State B (or elsewhere). Guangdong and Hong Kong are closely linked, and the mutual penetration of criminal activities already exists. Since the implementation of China’s reform and opening up, the exchanges between Guangdong and Hong Kong have become increasingly widespread and frequent. Criminals in both places make use of their special geographic location and the differences between laws and social systems to intensify cross-border criminal activities. In the late 1980s, there were only a few dozen Hong Kong immigrants arrested each year in Guangdong Province, 115 in 1990 and about 300 in each of the past two years. Crimes committed by Hong Kong’s entry criminals are also increasingly rampant. Violent crimes have increased. Many vicious crimes are committed by Hong Kong criminals. Objective reality requires that Guangdong-Hong Kong Police step up cooperation in cracking down cross-boundary crimes. As 1997 approaches, safeguarding the prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and safeguarding a smooth transition in Hong Kong is an important task for our country. Therefore, intensifying the study on Guangdong-Hong Kong Police cooperation in cracking down on cross-boundary crimes and adopting practical and effective countermeasures so that the cooperation can develop in a deep-seated and pragmatic direction have drawn great attention from the police and law circles in Guangdong.
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