打开国门 “边”不再穷——开放使黑龙江省沿边地区焕发生机

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这篇报道,着实令人兴奋。 从谈“边”色变到谈“边”色舞,这是多么令人欣喜的变化!黑龙江省边境地区的人民满怀热情地迎接开放大潮,因而活了一条边,富了几城人。开放才有出路,开放才能富民。这又是一个明证。 我国有辽阔的边疆地区,仅陆疆边境线就有2万多公里。这辽阔的地带是国界,也是对外开放的前沿。 过去,边疆地区总是与“穷”字联系在一起,现在,时代赋予了边疆地区由穷变富的契机。下围棋有“金角银边草肚皮”之说,处于“边、角”地区的人民能不能建设起金角银边,就看能不能抓住改革开放这历史的契机,并在开放的同时,花大力气搞好开发。这一点,也提到了黑龙江省的议事日程,更令人宽慰。 开放富“边”,开发富国。抓住机遇,大胆地闯,大胆地试,前景将更加美好。 This story is really exciting. From the talk about the “edge” color change to talk about “edge” color dance, this is a very gratifying change! The people in the border areas of Heilongjiang Province have enthusiastically embraced the tide of opening up and have thus lived on one side and enriched a few people. Only opening avenues can we enrich the people by opening up. This is another proof. My country has a vast border area, with more than 20,000 kilometers only on the border of Lujiang and Xinjiang. This vast area is national boundaries, but also the forefront of opening up. In the past, the frontier areas were always linked with the word “poor”. Nowadays, the times have given the frontier areas the opportunity to change from poverty to prosperity. The next chess has a “golden horn silver grass belly,” said the people in the “edge, corner” area can build the golden edge of silver, to see if we can seize the opportunity of reform and opening up this history, and at the same time open , Make great efforts to improve development. This point, also referred to the agenda of Heilongjiang Province, even more relief. We will open up the “rich side” and develop the rich countries. Seize the opportunity to boldly try, boldly test the prospects will be more beautiful.
国营大中型企业效益不高的根本原因是缺乏经营自主权,转变政府职能,要在这个方面有所突破。根据目前经济改革情况和企业状况,转变政府职能应侧重在三个方面进行。 (一)政企
本文采用湿法消化试样,火焰原子吸收法测定中药潞党参中铜、铁、锌锰等微量元素,对标准物桃叶测定结果表明方法准确度高,精密度好,适用于中草药中微量元素的测定。 In this