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茶文化对推动中国古老文明进程、民族昌盛起重要作用,并与儒、释、道文化相融传播到全球,形成不同韵味的茶文化;在当下则成为大众文化不可剥离的成分——国饮,中国近年来对于禅意研究愈加重视,同时经济发展致使茶产业兴盛,激发茶文化研究。在学术研究和商品经济的推动下,禅与茶间的关联性日益凸显,跨越了禅意理念和茶文化,为文化、精神的双重融合。在形成赵州“吃茶去”文化现象时,开始出现传统禅茶文化这样的观念与词汇。从文化入题,依历史变迁及考古学资料,佛门植茶传统、仪式感与民俗文化、传统禅茶接续等方向进行分析,试图对其进行梳理禅味与茶味同一体及其见解。揭示两种文化由独立走向融合的过程,在此基础上,发掘二者在生活、开悟及修行理念等融合的内在原因,揭示禅茶文化精神特性;梳理中国和韵禅茶文化渊源,让炎黄子孙重新认知中国传统文化。 Tea culture plays an important role in promoting the process of ancient civilization in China and its prosperity. It also spreads with the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism culture to the whole world to form tea culture with different flavor. At the moment, tea culture becomes an indispensable component of popular culture - In recent years, China has paid more attention to the study of Zen. At the same time, its economic development has led to the flourishing tea industry and stimulated tea culture research. Under the impetus of academic research and commodity economy, the connection between Zen and tea has become increasingly prominent. It has crossed the concept of Zen Buddhism and tea culture, and has become a dual fusion of culture and spirit. In the formation of Zhaozhou “eat tea to go ” cultural phenomenon, began to appear such concepts and vocabulary of traditional Zen tea culture. From the aspects of culture, historical changes and archeological data, Buddhism tea planting tradition, ritual sense and folk custom culture, and traditional Zen tea continue to be analyzed. The author tries to sort out the same body of Zen and tea and their opinions. Reveal the two cultures from the process of independence to integration, on this basis, to explore the intrinsic causes of their integration in life, enlightenment and spiritual practice, to reveal the cultural characteristics of Zen tea; Yan Huang descendants recognize Chinese traditional culture again.
对于哲学选择题中有关“矛盾”问题的试题有的考生“茅塞不开”。巧妙运用找反义词的方法,就可以应对这类题,轻松越过这道坎。例1基因是指生物性状遗传的基本因子。近年 Can
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