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全党全军全国各族人民衷心爱戴的邓小平同志永远离开了我们。噩耗传来,使我这位长期跟随邓小平同志南征北战的老部下心情无比沉痛。接着,到北京参加了邓小平同志迫悼大会。整天来,我食不甘味,寝不安眠。我久久凝望着邓小平同志当年在太行山上任八路军一二九师政委的历史照片,思绪禁不住又回到了那个血火连天的年代,仿佛又聆听到邓政委富有感召力的教诲;看到他那伫马太行运筹帷幄的伟大形象。那时我先后在太行区二、三、五军分区和太行军区任职,直接在刘邓首长领导下工作和作战,经常能得到邓政委的直接指教和热情帮助。那时邓政委虽然身兼数职,日理万机,但经常深入基层,下到我们各分区,甚至连队,狠抓部队政治素质和军事技术的 Comrade Deng Xiaoping, whom we wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly love all ethnic groups and people throughout the country, left us forever. The sad news came to me that this long-time follower of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s military campaign against the old South was extremely miserable. Then he went to Beijing to attend Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s condolence meeting. All day, I do not like to eat, sleepless sleep. Long ago, I stared at the historical photos of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, who served as the political commissar of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang Mountains for a long time. I could not help but return to the era of bloody days, as if I heard the enlightened teachings of Deng’s political commissar. The great image of Taihang strategist. At that time, I worked successively in the Second, Third and Fifth Armies of the Taihang Region and the Taihang Military Region, working and fighting directly under the leadership of the head of Liu and Deng, and was often able to get direct advice and enthusiasm from Deng’s political commissar. At that time, although Deng political commissar possessed several functions and was well-versed in his government, he often went deep into the grassroots and went down to all our divisions and even to the military and paid close attention to the political and military capabilities of the armed forces
目的研究头孢克罗泡腾片在健康志愿者体内的相对生物利用度。方法采用双交叉试验 ,12名健康志愿者口服单剂量头孢克罗泡腾片和胶囊两种制剂0.75g,RP_HPLC法测定人血浆中头孢
由对苯二酚与二氯甘醇反应合成了一系列聚多缩乙二醇对苯二酚醚,M=2800~4500。这些聚醚是一类高效、广谱性气相色谱固定液,可用于有机混合物的有效分离鉴定。 A series of po
伏堆反应进攻队员的错误多赢得时间 对于前修来i兑向后跑动叮能会作常右利.特别·是他带走」个防气州也的对平片介遥淤赞含凳 他与带坷沙{员适过打二过户已合可匀甘为其他前
本文介绍了光导纤维化学传感器的基本原理,传光型和传感型化学传感器的各种探头设计和构型,以及它们在无机和有机分析方面的应用。涉及参考文献105篇。 This article descri