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众所周知,语言教学包括方方面面.如教学理论、教学方法、教学技巧.但我现在要论述的是影响中国学生学习语言的诸因素.其目的是提醒教师们注意这样一个事实:一个成功的教学不仅只决定于教学方法,而且也决定于其它许多方面,如教师对语言掌握的熟练程度,对事业的热爱,对学生的了解,以及他们对其它环境因素的知晓程度.所以我们可以从学生、环境因素、教师的教学模式等方面,谈对外语教学的影响.语言学家威尔金斯说:“我们不能在对教师使用某种教学方法的环境因素不加考虑的情况下,就妄加评论一种教学方法的优与劣.”教师如不能考虑自身的素质,学生的特点及其工作的环境,那他就不是一个称职的教师,现在我们逐一分析这些影响中国学生学习英语的因素.一、学生1、特点:中国的中学生的年龄一般在13岁到18岁之间.因此我们在外语教学过程中应抓住其身心两方面的特点.主要是在学习态度方面积极勇跃,对外语充满了好奇和热情,他们具有挑战和竞争的性格.但他们容易冲动、自制力差.基于上述因素,外语教学要生动有趣,具有启发性和竞争性,反之就会扼杀学生学习外语的积极性.2、能力:大多数中国学生都没有学外语的经历.因此在小学生升入初中后,只有一小部分学生学过点外语.尽管由于受到母语的干扰,和没有学过外语的经验, As we all know, language teaching includes all aspects, such as teaching theory, teaching methods, teaching skills, but I now discuss the factors that affect Chinese students to learn the language.The purpose is to remind teachers to pay attention to the fact that a successful teaching not only Depends on the teaching method, but also depends on many other aspects, such as teachers proficiency in language proficiency, career love, understanding of students, and their awareness of other environmental factors.So we can from the students, environmental factors , The teaching model of the teacher and other aspects, on the impact of foreign language teaching.William Wilkins, linguist said: “We can not be teachers in the use of a teaching method of environmental factors without considering the case, make a comment one The teaching method is excellent and bad. ”If teachers can not consider their own qualities, the characteristics of students and their work environment, then he is not a competent teacher, and now we analyze each of these factors that affect Chinese students learning English. Students 1, Characteristics: Chinese secondary school students are generally aged 13 to 18. Therefore, we should be in the process of foreign language teaching should Live in both physical and mental characteristics .Mainly in the learning attitude of a courageous, full of curiosity and enthusiasm for foreign languages, they have a challenging and competitive personality.But they are easy to impulse, poor self-control.Based on the above factors, foreign language teaching Vivid, entertaining, enlightening and competitive, and vice versa will stifle students’ enthusiasm for learning foreign languages.2.Ability: Most Chinese students have no experience of learning foreign languages.So only a small number of students have learned Point foreign language.Although due to the interference of mother tongue, and did not learn the experience of foreign languages,
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