“阿尔法”连 的撒手锏

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2008年5月28日,美国陆军防空司令部司令罗伯特·伍德准将,在位于德克萨斯州博利斯堡埃尔帕索的陆军防空司令部总部,亲自主持了组建一支新的导弹防御连队的典礼,正式成立隶属美国陆军第32防空与导弹防御司令部第11防空炮兵旅第4防空炮兵团的“阿尔法”导弹防御连(代号A-4连)(见图1)。这是美国陆军为即将装备的新型弹道导弹防御系统——“末段高空区域防御”(THAAD)系统而组建的第一个连队,标志美国已经着手准备在2009年开始部署末段高空区域防御系统。加上美国现在已经部署的“地基中段防御”系统、“宙斯盾弹道导弹防御”系统和“爱国者先进能力-3”(PAC-3)系统,届时美国将拥有由四种防御系统组成的一体化全球弹道导弹防御系统,进一步扩大美国的防御能力和规模。 On May 28, 2008, Brigadier-General Robert W. Woodward, commander of the U.S. Army Air Defense Command, personally led the formation of a new missile defense company at the Army Air Defense Command headquarters in El Paso, Bolivar, Texas. The “Alpha” Missile Defense Company (codenamed “A-4”) attached to the 4th Air Defense Artillery Corps of the 11th Air Defense and Defense Missile Branch of the U.S. Army 32nd Air Defense and Missile Defense Command was officially established (see Figure 1). This is the first company the United States Army has set up for the forthcoming new ballistic missile defense system, the “Final Elevation Defense” (THAAD) system, marking the United States' already embarking on preparations for the deployment of the final high altitude region in 2009 Defense system. Coupled with the “Mid-Foundation Defense” system, the “Aegis BMD” system and the “PAC-3” system that the United States now has deployed, the United States will have four U.S.- Integrated defense system consisting of integrated global ballistic missile defense system to further expand the U.S. defense capabilities and scale.
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