Pondering in Chinatown 唐人街头寻乡情

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  Hi everyone, hope everything is going well!
  Its my second month to the USA, and I just came back from Chinatown, which is a really interesting place that I would love to share with you!
  In fact, Chinatowns all around the world have no big differences. Youll see 3 items basically: The first is archway(拱门); the second is stone lion, and the third one is ginkgo tree(银杏树). Maybe you will ask why there is always ginkgo tree? Because ginkgo tree is originally from China, which is very famous and is called the “holy tree” in Buddhism. It also has another meaning of perseverance and calmness, which reflects the aspiration of the former immigrants. So no matter which Chinatown you visit, you could definitely find a ginkgo tree inside the community. Besides, the ginkgo tree got a very long history: It is found in fossils dating back to 270 million years ago.
  In the past, immigrants would settle down in Chinatown as their first stop. But now the education and income level of the second and third generations has been increasing over the decades, and the development of their business also no longer gets confined in this small area. So nowadays Chinatown is not the only shelter for immigrants any more, but a place for overseas Chinese when they feel homesick, which is also known as the “post Chinatown era”.
  Some would say that the most authentic Cantonese roast BBQ is in Canada, while the most traditional Chinese new year is in Penang Malaysia. Perhaps some traditional cultures were lost in the Chinese origin, but they were preserved in the Chinatown around the world instead.
  For those immigrants, giving up everything and coming all the way to the other side of the world to start a new life is not easy at all. Someone choose to live their life originally in a new place, while some other people choose to abandon their own culture to adapt to the new environment and try to fit into the mainstream society.
  Ive spent the whole day in the Chinatown, but almost forget the main reason for coming here: the mooncakes and dumplings!The mooncakes in Chinatown are basically from Guangzhou and Hong Kong and they both taste really delicious!
  People in Chinatown come from all over the world, yet the fundamental connection that brings us together is the common culture background that we grow up with. We are standing under the same sky looking up to the same moon, and sharing the same traditional festival. This is my first Spring Festival celebrated far from home, and people would joke about that the moon is better looking abroad (Cantonese slang). But anyway it is an extraordinary one for me and perhaps you might feel the same way I did...
  At the very end of the article, I want to wish you all a happy Spring Festival and see you next time!
  Reading Check
  Imagine you’re the author of this article,what will you introduce about Chinatown to your fans? What is the most impressive about Chinatown?
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【摘 要】  在分析2013年度广东省现代远程教育校外学习中心(点)年检情况中,显示广东省校外学习中心(点)的办学成绩显著,规模不断扩大,信息沟通渠道不断扩展、助学服务质量不断提高,并逐步建立自身的特色。同时办学不规范、教学设施不完善、分布不均衡等问题依然存在。应从加快办学标准的修订、加强学习资源和校园文化的建设与管理以及进一步合理布局校外学习中心(点)等方面来规范现代远程教育的发展。  【关键词
偶然的一次经历让他对魔术很感兴趣,但是成为一名真正的魔术师让他经历了千难万险……  题材 人物 体裁 记叙文 文章词数 437 建议用时 8 min  难词探意  1. venture /?vent??(r)/ v. 冒险  2. illusion /??lu??n/ n. 幻觉  3. dedicated /?ded?ke?t?d/ adj. 专注的  I became a magician b
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它們白天睡觉,晚上出来活动,能攀爬却不能飞行。它们被称为“世界上最蠢萌的鹦鹉”。  难词探意  1. plump /pl?mp/ adj. 微胖的;饱满的  2. triple /?tr?pl/ adj. 三倍的  3. breed /bri?d/ v. 繁殖;饲养  4. snugly /?sn?gli/ adv. 紧贴地  5. pellet /?pel?t/ n. 小球;小弹丸  6. po
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[编者按] 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》(以下简称《教育规划纲要》)明确提出要“建立学习成果认证体系,建立‘学分银行’制度”。借鉴国际经验,建立有中国特色的“学分银行”制度,对于“构建灵活开放的终身教育体系”,具有非常重要的意义。2012年5月5日,由《中国远程教育》杂志社主办的“中国远程教育学术论坛”在北京举行。本次论坛的主题为“学分银行制度:国际经验与本土探索”
1.hype(Para. 3) v. 夸张地宣传(某事物)  The meeting was hyped up in the media as an important event.  媒体大肆宣传这次会议是一项重要的活动。  2.subscription(Para. 6) n. 訂阅;捐款  The classic newspaper business is both a subscriptio
主题感知·素养解读  女性,作为一股不可忽视的社会力量正推动着世界的发展,在新经济新时代背景下,绽放着精彩的“她力量”。今昔对比,“她力量”之贡献、“她魅力”之精彩、“她智慧”之非凡,也让一个结论愈发清晰:女性是推动社会发展和进步的重要力量。置身中国,巾帼竞芳的“中国风采”,与蹄疾步稳的“中国力量”相比,同样令世人瞩目。  时代的每一次前行都离不开女性的力量,她们尽心履職的靓丽风采,注解着一个时代