
来源 :安徽教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiaikai
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一、信息时代的图书馆图书馆历来是图书报刊等各类文献资源的收集保存与提供借阅服务的场所。它源于早期的藏书楼,那时只是收集可存文献,后来,面向公众手工提供借阅服务,这类图书馆可称为传统图书馆。进入80年代以来,我国图书馆相继引入现代计算机设备并开发了单项... I. Library in the Information Age The library has always been a collection and preservation of various types of documentary resources such as books, newspapers and periodicals and the provision of lending services. It stems from the early collection of books, when only the collection of available documents, and later, for the public to provide loan services, such libraries can be called traditional libraries. Since entering the 80’s, our country’s library has introduced modern computer equipment and developed a single ...
Sediment incipience under flows passing a backward-facing step was studied. A series of experiments were conducted to measure scouring depth, probability of sed
作为礼仪性建筑,牌坊在中国传统文化中占有特殊地位。有关牌坊起源的探讨,主要有衡门说、权星门说等,都缺乏有力的论证,本文试对这些观点作一辨析。 As a ceremonial buildi
A new molecular clip based on diethoxycarbonyl glycoluril 5: C42H36N6O6 , has been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crysta