
来源 :建筑材料工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wayaya001
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全国大跃进的形势,给建筑材料工业带来了新的要求和新的任务.我们知道:任何建设都离不开建筑材料.近年来,我国建筑材料工业虽然有了很大的发展.但在今后工农业的大跃进形势中,仍显得十分落后.因此建筑材料工业必须更早地来个大跃进,才能赶得上形势发展的需要. 从去年入春以来,建筑材料各企业在当地党委和部、局的领导之下,比过去大大地跃进了一步.特别是在二月召开的厂矿长会议上,经过比先进、学先进、赶先进,今年水泥的计划产量比原定计划提高了7%.玻璃提高了11.7%,陶瓷比去年提高了48%,但即使是 The situation of the Great Leap Forward throughout the country brought new requirements and new tasks to the building materials industry.We know that any building can not be separated from building materials.In recent years, although there has been a great development in China’s building materials industry, The great leap forward in the future industry and agriculture situation still appears to be very backward.Therefore, the building materials industry must come a big leap forward in order to catch up with the development of the situation.From the spring of last year, building materials companies in the local party committees and ministries, Under the leadership of the bureau, it has greatly leaped one step further than in the past, especially at the plant-miners’ meeting held in February after plans to increase cement production by 7% over the original plan after being advanced, advanced and advanced. Glass increased 11.7%, ceramics 48% more than last year, but even then
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这篇论文分析了民族学生在一年预科中在汉语学习中出现的错误,提出了在此条件下准确掌握汉语的方法。 This essay analyzes the mistakes made by ethnic minority students
从勒穆瓦纳红衣主教路的尽头走到塞纳河有很多条路。最短的一条是沿着这条路径直往前,但是路很陡,等你走上平坦的路段,穿过圣日耳曼林荫大道街口繁忙的交通车辆以后,来到一个没生气的地方,那里伸展着一条荒凉向风的河岸,右边就是那葡萄酒市场。它和巴黎其他任何市场都不同,只是一种扣存葡萄酒以待完税的仓库,从外面看去阴沉沉的像个兵站,或者俘虏营。  跨过塞纳河的支流就是圣路易岛,上面有狭窄的街道和又老又高的美丽的
目的 :探讨外环境灭鼠投毒技术与方法 ,为全市外环境灭鼠提供对策。方法 :在居民区、停待建工地、农贸市场外环境用拖食法观察鼠对不同投毒方式、不同投毒容器间、同一容器内
离李準老家下屯村三里远有 个麻屯。这是个热闹的小镇。这镇上有几个老戏迷,每年都要张罗邀请各地戏班来唱戏。虽然没有剧院,只有垒土为台的土台子,不能卖票,只能各家摊派管饭,再
班级是学校管理的基本单元,如何带出一个具有良好班风的班集体呢?笔者有如下体会。1.以调查研究为切入口,迅速确定“风向”调查研究是做好一切工作 Class is the basic unit