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日前,平果县地税局传来喜讯:今年1~6月,平果县地方税务局组织税收13595万元。比上年同期增长53.8%。完成市地税局下达年度计划任务的57.6%,完成县人民政府年初下达的年度计划任务数22926万元的59.3%,实现了时间过半、任务过半的目标。今年5月,平果县被自治区党委、政府授予“县域经济发展十佳县”的荣誉称号,这是平果县连续第三年获得这份殊荣。伴随着改革开放的春风,非公有制经济如雨后春笋般茁壮成长。在右江河谷的红土地上,崛起了一座铝都——平果县。该县近年来 Recently, the Pinggu County Local Taxation Bureau came good news: from January to June this year, Pingguo County Local Taxation Bureau organized a tax revenue of 135.95 million yuan. 53.8% more than the same period of last year. Completed 57.6% of the annual planning tasks assigned by the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau and completed 59.3% of the annual planned tasks issued by the county people’s government at the beginning of the year to 229.26 million yuan, achieving the goal of exceeding half the time and over half of the tasks. In May this year, Pingguo County was awarded the honorary title of “Top Ten Counties for Economic Development in County Areas” by the party committees and governments of autonomous regions and municipalities. This is the third consecutive year that Pingguo County won this honor. With the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the non-public economy has mushroomed. In the Youjiang River on the red land, the rise of an aluminum - Pingguo County. The county in recent years
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财税[2006]174号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、国家税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局:经研究,现将嵌入式软件有关增值税政策问题明确如下: Finance Bureau [2
每年一度的世界杯手风琴比赛(the annual Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships)于2009年8月24日至29日在新西兰奥克兰市隆重举行,中、俄、意、法、新西兰等多国选
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国税函[2007]158号深圳市国家税务局:你局《关于粉煤灰(渣)增值税问题的请示》(深国税发[2006]173号)收悉。经研究,批复如下: Guoshuihan [2007] No. 158 State Administrat