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根据一些观察,发现棉子和幼苗在发生形态上有若干未被人引起注意的特征特性,主要是:棉属四个栽培种的胚在种壳中都有一定位置,即呈W形卷曲子叶的上口正对着种壳上的种脊;棉子发芽膨胀时,绝大多数种壳的裂缝发生在种脊近旁;棉子入土状态不同,其发芽、出苗状况有别。种子珠孔端向下者,发芽出土较快而子叶带壳的现象较多,种子珠孔端向上者,发芽较慢而子叶带壳的情况较少;出土不久的幼苗,子叶以幼茎为轴心随着生长而缓慢旋转,多数为顺时针转向;同一棉苗的两片子叶一大一小,大子叶发生形态上在先,而小子叶在后;棉苗第一片真叶出现后,就可推断该株棉花的叶序转向,即第一片真叶、小子叶与大子叶在一个平面上三者连线构成的弧形旋向,即为叶序转向;根据叶序转向,可以推知该棉株任何一个果枝每一节位花朵的花瓣旋向。对以上一些发生形态特征的进一步研究,将会对棉花育种和栽培的实践以及有关理论研究产生有益的作用。 According to some observations, it has been found that cotton seedlings and seedlings have some unidentified features in morphology, mainly because embryos of four cultivars of Gossypium have a certain position in the seed shell, that is, W-shaped curled cotyledons Of the mouth is the seed coat on the seed shell; cotton seed germination expansion, the vast majority of shell cracks occur near the seed spine; cotton seedling into different states, its germination, emergence of different conditions. Seed beads down the end of the sprouting unearthed faster cotyledons shell phenomenon, the seed beads up the end of the sprouting is slower and cotyledons shell less; unearthed young seedlings, cotyledons with young stems of Axis with the growth of slow rotation, the majority of clockwise turn; the same cotton seedlings of two cotyledons a big one small, big cotyledons morphologically preceded, while the small cotyledons behind; , We can infer that the strain of cotton leaves turn, that is the first true leaves, small cotyledons and large cotyledons in a plane formed by the connection of three arc rotation, that is leaf order turn; according to the leaf order turn, It can be inferred that the petals of each flower in each node of the cotton plant turn. Further research on some of the above morphological features will have a beneficial effect on cotton breeding and cultivation practices and related theoretical studies.
杀虫脒是一个防治几种重要的鳞翅目害虫很有希望的杀卵剂。Streibert和Dittrich(1977)总结了三种夜蛾科大害虫(Spodoptera bittoralis及二种Heliothis属的害虫)的卵和幼虫对
野燕麦(Arena fatua L.)是新疆维吾尔自治区农田的恶性杂草,分布广、为害重,是小麦生产上的大敌,一般减产30%以上。除小麦外,还危害油菜、向日葵、豆类和瓜类等作物。为探索
生命表作为昆虫种群数量动态的研究,近年来已成为一种有效的手段。近年来由于水稻改制和品种等关系,三化螟Tryporyza incertulas(Walker)危害日益严重,有必要深入地掌握其种
根据 A.L.Hooker 等提出的鉴别玉米小斑病菌 T、O 两个生理小种的方法与标准,本试验供试的5个菌株(3个来自我国,2个来自美国)中,有2个菌株(51号和1221号)属于 O 小种,1个株菌
草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum Sundevall(蜘蛛目,微蛛科Micryphantidae)是我省农田和果园等的一种重要捕食性天敌,种群数量大,分布广,是一种较有利用前途的蜘蛛。国
桔大实蝇(Tetradacus citri Chen)属于双翅目果实蝇科(Trypetidae),是为害柑桔类植物具有毁灭性的重要害虫之一。它的幼虫因地域及被害柑桔品种的不同,有柑蛆、桔蛆及果蛆等
从降低证券交易印花税到下调房地产交易环节契税,从连续七次上调出口退税率到提高个人所得税起征点,从减征小排量汽车购置税到增值税改革的全面推进,金融危机影响下,2009年不断出台的结构性减税举措,已成为拉动山西经济复苏的重要力量。  2009年,山西省国税局共为全省企业减免(退)税159亿元,同比减免(退)税多出74.8亿元,增长47.04%。“无论是减免额度还是增长比例,都是1994年新税制实施以来
小花蝽Orius minutus是棉红蜘蛛的重要天敌之一。为了探讨对小花蝽的保护和利用,我们于1977~1978年对它的生物学特性和保护利用进行了初步的研究。现将其各虫态的主要形态特