
来源 :学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingN78
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在检查我市部分中小学体育教学和卫生工作时,我们发现中小学生脊柱弯曲异常检出率较高。从统计数字来看,先天性和各种病理性占0.5%,而属于姿势性异常的则占6.3%,个别学校竟达7.5%。总趋势是市中区低于郊区,农村中小学高于郊区,应引起我们的足够重视。一、中小学生脊柱弯曲异常产生的原因经过对中小学生脊柱异常的调查分析,其主要原因有三点: 1.课桌高低不适。在调查的五所中小学中,有两所小学,一年级到四年级用的都是一套课桌椅,身高与课桌椅不般配.从而影响脊柱的正常发育,这种现象在一些学校中确很常见的。 2.体育活动开展不好。专业体育教师缺乏,特别 When examining physical education and health work in some primary and secondary schools in our city, we found that the detection rate of spine bending abnormalities among primary and middle school students was high. From a statistical point of view, congenital and various pathologies accounted for 0.5%, while those who were postural abnormalities accounted for 6.3%, and individual schools reached 7.5%. The general trend is that the central district is lower than the suburbs, and rural primary and secondary schools are higher than the suburbs, which should arouse enough attention from us. First, the cause of spine bending abnormalities in primary and middle school students After investigation and analysis of spine abnormalities in primary and middle school students, there are three main reasons: 1. The level of desk discomfort. Among the five primary and secondary schools surveyed, there are two primary schools. The first-grade to fourth-grade students use a set of desks and chairs. Their height is not compatible with the desks and chairs. This affects the normal development of the spine. This phenomenon occurs in some schools. It is very common. 2. Sports activities are not well developed. Lack of professional sports teachers, especially
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