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大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)是一种原产于欧洲 的名贵经济鱼类,于1999年在我国开始人工养殖,短短 几年时间内,养殖面积扩大到230多万平方米,年总产 量达10 000 t以上,年产值15亿元人民币。近年来随着 养殖规模的扩大、养殖密度增加及养殖环境质量的下降, 养殖大菱鲆的疾病问题也日渐突出。为控制疾病所造成 的经济损失,许多养殖单位大量使用化学药品,其中包 括国家明令禁止使用的药品,并且使用浓度较大,造成 苗种体质下降,商品鱼药物残留严重,对消费者身体健 康造成威胁。另外,化学药物废水的长期排放,使近海 水域造成污染,破坏了海洋微生态平衡,导致病原菌产 生耐药性,养殖风险逐步加大。为解决以上问题,我们 在多年研究成果的基础上,进行了大菱鲆健康苗种的培 育工作,并取得了可喜的成果。 Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a kind of precious economic fish originating in Europe. In 1999, it started artificial breeding in our country. Within a few years, the area of ​​aquaculture expanded to more than 2.3 million square meters. The annual output reached 10,000 tons or more, annual output value of 1.5 billion yuan. In recent years, with the enlargement of breeding scale, the increase of breeding density and the decline of the quality of farming environment, the disease of cultured turbot is increasingly prominent. In order to control the economic losses caused by the disease, many aquaculture units use large quantities of chemicals, including those banned by the State. The use of higher concentration causes the decline of the physical quality of the seed and the serious residual drug of the commercial fish, resulting in the health of consumers Threats. In addition, the long-term discharge of chemical wastewater causes the pollution of offshore waters, destroys the marine micro-ecological balance, resulting in drug-resistant pathogens, breeding risks gradually increase. In order to solve the above problems, on the basis of many years of research achievements, we have carried out the cultivation of healthy seed of turbot and obtained gratifying results.
在中学化学教材中有如下例子:在还原某些金属时用碳为还原剂。如:而还原另一些金属时,则以氢气 In the middle school chemistry textbook, there are the following examp
其理由是:“公式(1)表明,在一定温度下,弱酸溶液在一定范围内稀释时,电离度与其起始浓度的平方根成反比。电离度表示某弱电解 The reason is: "Formula (1) shows that at