镶嵌在草原上的明珠 中国少数民族文学馆

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建立一座中国少数民族文学馆,不论对于今天还是未来,都具有重大作用和特殊意义,它有利于展示我国少数民族文学的卓越成就,有利于建设集先进文化、和谐文化和中华多民族文化为一体的中华民族共同精神家园,有利于围绕各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展这一主题,积极推进我国民族团结进步事业,以维护祖国统一,增进民族团结,保持社会稳定,促进我国经济社会文化等多项事业不断发展。——国家民族事务委员会副主任丹珠昂奔如是说。令人感动的是,温家宝总理更是在百忙之中过问并帮助解决中国少数民族文学馆建设过程中遇到的困难。这充分体现了党和国家对我国少数民族文学事业的关心支持,对广大少数民族作家的深情厚爱。——中国作家协会党组成员、书记处书记杨承志说。作为一个彝族诗人,作为一个中国诗人,我要代表所有的少数民族作家,代表中国少数民族作家协会,向中国少数民族文学馆开馆表示祝贺,向所有为中国少数民族文学馆的筹备和建设作出过贡献的人们致敬!——中国少数民族作家学会会长吉狄马加满怀激情地说。 It is of great significance and significance to establish a Chinese literature library for minority nationalities, both for today and in the future. It is conducive to displaying the outstanding achievements of Chinese minority literature and is conducive to building an integrated culture of advanced culture, harmonious culture and Chinese multi-ethnic culture The common spiritual home of the Chinese nation is conducive to the common theme of common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups, actively promoting the cause of national unity and progress, safeguarding the unification of the motherland, strengthening national unity, maintaining social stability, and promoting China’s economic, social and cultural development. A number of undertakings continue to develop. - Dan Zhuang, deputy director of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission Ben Ben said. Touchingly, Premier Wen Jiabao touted over his busy schedule and helped to solve the difficulties encountered in the construction of China’s minority literature museum. This fully embodies the party’s and the nation’s concern and support for the ethnic minorities in our country and their deep love for the vast minority of ethnic writers. --China Writers Association member of the party group, secretary of the Secretariat Yang Chengzhi said. As a Chinese poet, as a Chinese poet, on behalf of all ethnic minority writers, I would like to express my congratulation on the opening of the Chinese National Museum of Minorities on behalf of the Chinese Association of Writers of Chinese Writers. I would like to extend my congratulation to all the museums for the preparation and construction of the Chinese Ethnic Literature Museum Tribute to those who contributed! - Jidimaga, president of China Minority Writers Association, said passionately.
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