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经历从大二开始,我就在elong.com找了一份自由撰稿人兼摄影师的兼职工作,虽然报酬低点但毕竟是我的第一份工作。于是开始了我的在校生打工历程,在elong.com工作了近半年,由于我的联系人的工作变动,我顺理成章地跟着他来到了另外一家公司Chinanow.com,工作内容还是没有变,只是工作量和报酬改善了许多,自己也开始体会到努力就会有收获的道理。 From the sophomore year, I went to elong.com to find a freelance copywriter and photographer part-time job, although the low pay, but after all, is my first job. So I started my school working life, worked at elong.com nearly six months, due to changes in the work of my contacts, I logically followed him to another company Chinanow.com, the content remains the same, but the work The quantity and remuneration have improved a lot, and I myself began to realize the truth that there will be gains in my efforts.
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