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一个国家和民族的真正繁荣与强大 ,不仅需要高度发达的自然科学 ,同时也需要高度发达的哲学社会科学 ;不仅需要抓好物质文明建设 ,同样也要搞好精神文明建设和政治文明建设。两者间的关系 ,恰如先哲所言“质”与“文”的关系。“质胜文则野 ,文胜质则史 ,文质彬彬 ,然后君子” ,只有两个方面兼备才能算得上完美。正所谓“文犹质也 ,质犹文也” ,文与质互为表里、相辅相成 ,同等重要 ,缺一不可。哲学社会科学和自然科学是推动当代社会发展的“车之两轮”、“鸟之双翼”。经过几代人的共同努力 ,尤其是经过改革开放以来 2 0多年的建设与发展 ,我国自然科学及作为其主要实现形式的物质文明已经取得了令世人瞩目的成就 ,它必然要求哲学社会科学及作为其主要表现形式的精神文明和政治文明也取得辉煌的业绩。 2 0 0 1年江泽民同志在半年之内连续三次发表重要讲话 ,强调大力繁荣发展哲学社会科学 ,2 0 0 4年 1月 5日中央又颁布了《中共中央关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》 ,正是上述要求的具体体现 ,同时也是我国哲学社会科学实现更大发展的重要契机。为深入学习、贯彻《意见》 ,我刊邀请部分著名专家学者和博士生导师等撰写了这组短文 ,以飨读者 The real prosperity and strength of a country and nation requires not only highly developed natural sciences but also highly developed philosophical and social sciences. It not only needs to grasp the building of material civilization but also the construction of spiritual civilization and political civilization. The relationship between the two, just as Sage said the “quality” and “text” relationship. “Quality wins Wen Zeye, Wensheng quality history, gentle, and then gentleman”, only two aspects can be regarded as perfect. Is the so-called “Wen Juyou also, the quality of Utah also”, the text and the quality of each other, complementarity, equally important, indispensable. Philosophy Social sciences and natural sciences are the “two wheels of a car” and “the bird’s wings” that promote the development of contemporary society. After several generations of joint efforts, especially after 20 years of reform and opening up, China’s natural sciences and its material civilization as the main form of its realization have made remarkable achievements. They inevitably demand that philosophy and social sciences and As its main manifestation of spiritual civilization and political civilization also made brilliant achievements. In 2001, Comrade Jiang Zemin delivered three important speeches in three consecutive years emphasizing the great prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences. On January 5, 2004, the Central Government issued the Opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Prospering and Developing Philosophy and Social Science It is exactly the concrete manifestation of the above requirements and also an important opportunity for our country’s philosophy and social sciences to achieve greater development. For in-depth study and implementation of “opinions,” I have invited some well-known experts and scholars and PhD supervisors to write this short essay to readers
中科院鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站(Dinghushan Forest Ecosystem Research Station,CAS)(以下简称“鼎湖山站”)于1978年建站,位于广东省肇庆市中科院鼎湖山国家级自然保
·马克思主义与当代中国社会· 论别尔嘉耶夫的马克思主义观陈红(1.7) 马克思的哲学共产主义思想的深远意义 张奎良(2.1) 马克思主义的文化理论及其当代价值 范俊玉(2.5) 马
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据2 0 0 4年2月2 9日在北京召开的中国加拿大研会常务理事扩大会议的决定,第11届年会定于2 0 0 4年10月2 9日在重庆市四川外语学院举行。2 0年前中国加研会在此成立,今年年会
一个国家和民族的真正繁荣与强大 ,不仅需要高度发达的自然科学 ,同时也需要高度发达的哲学社会科学 ;不仅需要抓好物质文明建设 ,同样也要搞好精神文明建设和政治文明建设。