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每册图书,都有一个书名。读者可以通过书名,了解这本图书的大致内容、写作方式及读者对象。图书馆工作者在检索图书、采购查重等项工作中更有赖于书名。因此,有些图书馆把书名目录当作目录的重要组成部分。目前,我国图书馆界组织书名目录常用的是形序法(笔画笔形及其变形——号码法)和音序法(汉语拼音法)两种。但不管使用那一种方法组织书名目录,都需要从书名第一个汉字的笔画数或汉语拚音音节排起,可见书名第一个汉字对组织书名目录是非常重要的事。由于长期工作的实践,使我们发现书名首 Each book, there is a title. Readers can read the title of the book to understand the general content of this book, writing and readers of the object. Library workers in the retrieval of books, procurement check and more work depends more on the title. Therefore, some libraries treat title lists as an important part of the catalog. At present, there are two kinds of commonly used book titles in the library industry in our country: form order (strokes and their variants - numbering) and sequence (phonetic). However, no matter which method is used to organize the title list, it is necessary to start from the number of strokes of the first Chinese character of the title or the syllable pitch of the Chinese pinyin, so that the first Chinese character of the title is very important to the organization of the title list. As a result of long-term work, we found the title of the book
武汉市社会科学界第五次代表大会胜利闭幕了。这是全市哲学社会科学界的一次盛会,也是一次承前启后、继往开来,贯彻落实科学发展观,促进我市社科事业繁荣发展的动员会。 Wuh
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if previous cesarean section is an independent risk factor for incidental cystotomy at the time of hystere
  先兆流产是妊娠早期常见的病理情况,患者常因腹痛、阴道流血就诊。我科于 2003年以来对 200例患者血清和 100例正常早孕妇女血清用放射免疫(RIA)法测定绒毛膜促性腺激素
Objectives: To examine if a low level of psychosocial resources in early pregnancy is associated with the occurrence of prolonged labour. Study design: A cross