吉林省辉南县 “五个不限”激活私企

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吉林省辉南县从治理个私经济外部环境入手,以“五个不限”为原则、“四个一批”为切入点,放水养鱼壮大发展了个私经济,使之成为了县域经济财政收入新的经济增长点。 截至1998年底,该县个体工商户已达9779户,从业人员18714人;工商税收实现2000万元,占县本级财政收入的20%。 据了解,辉南县一直把个私经济的发展作为振兴县域经济的启动点,提出了“五个不限”的原则即坚持发展比例不限,越高越好;发展速度不限,越快越好;从业人员不限,越多越好;经营规模不限,越大越好;经营方式不限;越活越好。 在发展个私经济过程中,该县首先是制定优惠政策,刺激个私经济发展。凡是从事个体工商经营的,政府在资金场地、经营条件、审批程序、产品鉴定、从业人员职称评定等方面都给予 Huinan County of Jilin Province started with the management of the private economic external environment. With the principle of “five restrictions” and the “four batches” as the entry point, the development of a private economy was promoted by the combination of water and fish farming, making it a county economy. Fiscal revenue new economic growth point. As of the end of 1998, the number of individual industrial and commercial households in the county had reached 9,779 with 18,714 employees; industrial and commercial tax revenues were 20 million yuan, accounting for 20% of county-level fiscal revenue. It is understood that Huinan County has always considered the development of private economy as the launching point for the revitalization of the county economy, and put forward the principle of “five restrictions”. That is, the percentage of adherence to development is not limited, the higher the better; the speed of development is not limited, the faster it is. The better; practitioners are not limited, the more the better; business is not limited, the bigger the better; business is not limited; live better. In the process of developing a private economy, the county first formulated preferential policies to stimulate private economic development. Where individuals are engaged in individual business operations, the government shall provide financial venues, operating conditions, approval procedures, product appraisal, job title assessment, etc.
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