The cross sections and their temperature dependence of collisional energy transfer from high vibrati

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayden1986
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The cross sections and their temperature dependence of collisional energy transfer from the high vibrationally excited C_2H_4 to the electronic ground sate of Rb (V-E) have been studied by the method of IR laser pump combined with fluorescence probe. The fluorescence of rudidium atoms due to V-E energy transfer was detected. The measured rate constants of this V-E energy transfer is about 10~(-10)cm~2molec~(-1)s~(-1) and the corresponding cross section varies from 60 (?)~2 to 90 (?)~2. The cross sections decrease with increasing temperature over the temperature range of 393-683 K. The cross sections and their temperature dependence of collisional energy transfer from the high vibrationally excited C_2H_4 to the electronic ground sate of Rb (VE) have been studied by the method of IR laser pump combined with fluorescence probe. The fluorescence of rudidium atoms due to VE energy transfer was detected. The measured rate constants of this VE energy transfer is about 10 ~ (-10) cm ~ 2molec -1 s -1 and the corresponding cross section varies from 60 (?) ~ 2 to 90 (?) ~ 2. The cross sections decrease with increasing temperature over the temperature range of 393-683 K.
(题,目右面数字为期数和页码) 要文特约对‘卜俄经贸关系的JL}从认识············……卜2没有外贸的持续增长,就难于实现全而建设小康社会的战略11标·····
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