搞好东 黄海伏季全面休渔重在坚持

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去年是实施东、黄海伏季全面休渔的头一年,由于得到各级政府的高度重视和广大渔业生产者的积极支持,近万艘渔船按时停港休渔取得了明显成效,说明东、黄海伏季全面休渔措施是可行的。 保护渔业资源和发展渔业生产是一对矛盾的统一体。教育渔业生产者在发展渔业生产中切实保护渔业资源是一项长期而艰巨的任务。提高广大渔业生产者保护渔业资源的自觉意识,并将其做为渔业生产者精神文明建设及职业道德培养的重要内容,是落实各项资源保护措施的根本保障。去年东、黄海伏季全面休渔的成绩是可喜的,但是,从广大渔业生产者真正对实施全面休渔的意义认识和保护渔业资源的自觉性来看,还有较大差距,尤其是相当数量的基层干部及众多渔业生产者存有一种逆反心理,不等休渔期满就急不可待地要把休渔期间的产量尽快抢回来,因而当管理稍有松懈时,便不择手段地任意加大捕捞强度,甚至不惜违规作业,令休渔难以实现其预定目标。所以,坚持伏季休渔,最最重要的是要把教育渔业生产者正确处理保护渔业资源与发展渔业生产的关系做为一项经常性的 Last year was the first year of the implementation of the moratorium on fishing activities in the east and the yellow sea. Due to the great attention of all levels of government and the active support of the vast number of fishery producers, nearly 10,000 fishing boats stopped fishing moored on time and achieved remarkable results. The quarterly comprehensive fishing break is feasible. Protection of fishery resources and the development of fishery production are a contradictory unity. It is a long-term and arduous task to educate fishery producers on the effective protection of fishery resources in the development of fisheries. Raising the awareness of the vast number of fishery producers on the protection of fishery resources and making them an important part of the cultivation of spiritual civilization and professional ethics of fishery producers is the fundamental guarantee for the implementation of various resource protection measures. Last year, the achievements of the Yellow Sea and Zhuhai Voluntarily Closed Fishing Weeks are gratifying. However, there is still a long way to go if the majority of fishery producers genuinely understand the significance of implementing a full moratorium on fishery resources and the protection of fishery resources. In particular, a considerable amount of Grassroots cadres and fishery producers have a tendency of rebelling. They are eager to take back their output as soon as possible after the expiry of the moratorium on fishing. Therefore, when the management is a little lax, it will resort to arbitrarily increasing its fishing intensity, Even at the illegal operations, so that fishing is difficult to achieve its intended target. Therefore, sticking to the moratorium on fishing and fishing, the most important thing is to make the education fishery producers properly handle the relationship between the protection of fishery resources and the development of fishery production as a recurrent
1996年春利用薄山水库太湖新银鱼春群进行人工繁殖试验,共获取受精卵557万粒,人工繁殖成功。并就亲鱼的选择条件、产卵与水文气象条件的关系、孵化时间等方面进行了探讨。 I