Gap Dynamics and Tree Species Diversity in a Tropical Montane Rain Forest of Hainan Island,China

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdx_comeon
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Based on investigation of 53 gaps and 25 quadrats (15m×15m each) of non-gap closed stand in an old-growth tropical montane rain forest of Hainan Island, China, canopy disturbance regimes and gap regeneration were studied. Gaps were elliptical in horizontal form, the ratio of long axis /short axis was about 1.4. Percentage of expanded gaps (EG) and canopy gaps (CG) area in the landscape were 53.5% and 25.2% respectively. EG ranged from 31.4 m2 to 488.2m2 and CG/rom 14.9m2 to 354.2m2, their average sizes were about 160 m2 and 80m2 respectively. Natural disturbance frequency for canopy gaps Based on investigation of 53 gaps and 25 quadrats (15m × 15m each) of non-gap closed stand in an old-growth tropical montane rain forest of Hainan Island, China, canopy disturbance regimes and gap regeneration were studied. Gaps were elliptical in horizontal Percentage of enlarged gaps (EG) and canopy gaps (CG) area in the landscape were 53.5% and 25.2% respectively. EG ranged from 31.4 m2 to 488.2 m2 and CG / rom 14.9m2 to 354.2m2, their average sizes were about 160 m2 and 80m2 respectively. Natural disturbance frequency for canopy gaps
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