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<正> In our previous work we have reported the procurement of a mesoderminducing protein from pig liver, which, as evidenced by electrophoretic findings, was still contaminated with impurities. Recently, the material was further purified by CM cellul
<正> Many reports have been published on the relationship between emotion and monoamine neurotransmitters. It is known that when people are excited the catechol
<正> Sodium dimercaptosuccinate (Na-DMS) is a dithiol antidote found by workers in China. In 1960 we found that it was effective against the poisonings of HgCl2,
<正> From analyses of observation data it is found that stratification is usually unstable in the moist adiabatic process when cumulus develops vigorously. This
<正> If F_j_m(ζ, Z)(m=1, 2, …, k) are defined on the closure (?) of a bounded domain D in the space C~n and can be written as
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<正> In order to get a deeper insight into the structure of the Jilin (Kirin) meteorite, as a mineralogical-petrological study of it, we examined its submicrosc
<正> The dose rate effect of radiation genetics has been studied intensively because of its practical as well as theoretical importance. According to the classi
<正> On account of the close relations between the ionospheric state and radio communication, ionospheric physics has become a branch of modern geophysics, whic
<正> The Miyun Solar Radio Compound Interferometer (hereafter referred to as &#39;4&#215;16&#39; System) was constructed by the &#39;4&#215;16&#39; Group of the