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1935年1月,红军长征到达贵州,红十三团奉命驻遵义.此时城南10里之桑木桠疫病流行,夺走了不少穷人的生命,红军即派出医务人员前往诊治.一名年轻卫生员,在为全营干部战士防病、医护伤员之余,以高超的医术,不分昼夜地为桑木垭远近百余里来看病的贫苦百姓看病、打针、送药,被当地群众誉为红军的“神医”,获得了乡亲们的爱戴.一日深夜,他为百姓诊治回城,见部队已离遵北上,即按留示方向追赶,行至南关乡金华村尹家屋基时,遭到地保武装的伏击而牺牲了.噩耗传开,人民悲痛万分,桑木垭一带的穷人含泪将他的遗体安葬在桑木垭垭口上,用石头垒起一座无姓氏的“红军坟”.红军走,白军来,老百姓又陷入火海之中.当人民每有痛苦就来坟前向亲人吐诉,日思夜盼红军归来,挽救百姓于水火.老农张大爷在坡上淋雨后发高烧,睡在床上昏沉沉的……他似乎觉得红军回来了,忽然天上飘来一朵彩云,云中站着一个手提马灯的红军卫生员,满脸笑容地向他走来,给他打针喂药,安慰他好好休息,叮嘱他按时吃药.张大爷一觉醒来,出了一身汗,高烧退了,头也不痛了.天亮时,张大爷到坟前烧香、磕头、垒土,还不停地念: In January 1935, the Long March of the Red Army arrived in Guizhou and the Red Thirteen Regiment was ordered to station in Zunyi. At this time, the epidemic of the mulberry disease in the south 10 miles away claimed the lives of many poor people. The Red Army dispatched medical personnel to go to the clinic for treatment. A young health officer , In the camp for the entire camp cadres disease prevention and treatment, medical wounded while, with superb medical skills, day and night for nearly a hundred years in Sangmu project to see the poor people see a doctor, injections, delivery, was the local masses hailed as the Red Army One day after midnight, he diagnosed and treated the people back to the city and saw that the troops had followed the instructions from the north, that is, they were chased by the direction of their stay. When they arrived at Yinjiawuji, Jinhua Village, Nan Guan Township, they were summoned To protect the armed ambush and sacrificed the bad news spread, the people are extremely sad, the poor tearful Sang Mu Ya area will be buried his body in the mulberry alley pass, with stone without a surname “Red Army graves.” When the people came to their loved ones for pain, they thought that the Red Army would come back again and save the common people in the water and fire. The old man Zhang Dafei had a fever after the rain on the slope, Sleep in bed dizzy ... ... he seems to think the Red Army back Suddenly a cloud floated in the sky, the cloud standing in a lantern parade of the Red Army health workers, smiled to him, give him an injection of medicine, comfort him a good rest, told him to take medicine on time. Woke up, out of a sweat, fever retreat, the head is not hurt .Day, Uncle Zhang burned incense to the grave, kowtow, base soil, but also kept reading:
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有很多的年轻人会问我,说现在的社会不良现象都是凭父亲、有关系、看相貌等等。我就问他,凭父亲,起码还得有父亲,我八岁的时候,我父亲就去世了,我母亲一个人带大我们哥俩。我们在内蒙古偏远的地方长大,在北京没有一个亲戚,不也走到了今天吗?  我知道社会上有很多不良的现象,我告诉你,信那些该信的东西,因为它能改变你。如果你要信那些你没法不愤怒的事情,它只能害了你。  没有一代的青春是容易的。青春如果没有了奋
本文从鸦片战争得名原因、“第一次中英战争”称谓存在的缺陷及马克思对这场战争的评述三方面说明鸦片战争这一称谓并不是有的学者所说的“是不妥当的”。 This article fro