An image segmentation framework for extracting tumors from breast magnetic resonance images

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swb39274355
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been a prevalence technique for breast cancer diagnosis. Computer-aided detection and segmentation of lesions from MRIs plays a vital role for the MRIbased disease analysis. There are two main issues of the existing breast lesion segmentation techniques: requiring manual delineation of Regions of Interests (ROIs) as a step of initialization; and requiring a large amount of labeled images for model construction or parameter learning, while in real clinical or experimental settings, it is highly challenging to get su±cient labeled MRIs. To resolve these issues, this work proposes a semi-supervised method for breast tumor segmentation based on super voxel strategies. After image segmentation with advanced cluster techniques, we take a supervised learning step to classify the tumor and nontumor patches in order to automatically locate the tumor regions in an MRI. To obtain the optimal performance of tumor extraction, we take extensive experiments to learn parameters for tumor segmentation and classification, and design 225 classifiers corresponding to different parameter settings. We call the proposed method as Semi-supervised Tumor Segmentation (SSTS), and apply it to both mass and nonmass lesions. Experimental results show better performance of SSTS compared with five state-of-the-art methods.
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波长630~670 nm、室温(300 Κ)连续振荡的半导体激光器的研究很活跃。用于取代氦-氖气体激光器(波长632.8 nm)的半导体激光器已不再是幻想了。日本电气公司已试制了671 nm连续振荡的半导体激光器。索尼、日本电信电话、立石电机、上智大学、工学院大学和东芝等公司也相继研制波长630~670 nm室温连续振荡的半导体激光器。
双频激光干涉仪在纳米测量技术领域中的应用十分广泛,在特定的使用环境中,如何减小测量系统存在的误差,提高系统的测量精度变得越来越重要。鉴于此,提出一种利用测量环境中的振型节点减小环境振动,提高双频激光干涉仪测量精度的方法。先从理论的角度分析该方案的可行性,基于此理论搭建实验测量系统,再利用加速度传感器找到测量系统中的节点位置,最后测试双频激光干涉仪在振型节点位置和其他非节点位置处的测量重复性水平。实验结果表明:当外界存在振源时,所提方法在非振型节点位置的测量重复性为±9 nm,振型节点位置的测量重复性为±4