Association between Prenatal Environmental Factors and Child Autism:A Case Control Study in Tianjin,

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cenghao
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Objective To investigate the association between autism and prenatal environmental risk factors. Methods A case-control study was conducted among 193 children with autism from the special educational schools and 733 typical development controls matched by age and gender by using questionnaire in Tianjin from 2007 to 2012. Statistical analysis included quick unbiased efficient statistical tree(QUEST) and logistic regression in SPSS 20.0. Results There were four predictors by QUEST and the logistic regression analysis, maternal air conditioner use during pregnancy(OR=0.316, 95% CI: 0.215-0.463) was the single first-level node(χ2=50.994, P=0.000); newborn complications(OR=4.277, 95% CI: 2.314-7.908) and paternal consumption of freshwater fish(OR=0.383, 95% CI: 0.256-0.573) were second-layer predictors(χ2=45.248, P=0.000; χ2=24.212, P=0.000); and maternal depression(OR=4.822, 95% CI: 3.047-7.631) was the single third-level predictor(χ2=23.835, P=0.000). The prediction accuracy of the tree was 89.2%. Conclusion The air conditioner use during pregnancy and paternal freshwater fish diet might be beneficial for the prevention of autism, while newborn complications and maternal depression might be the risk factors. Objective To investigate the association between autism and prenatal environmental risk factors. Methods A case-control study was administered among 193 children with autism from the special educational schools and 733 typical development controls matched by age and gender by gauge Statistical analysis included quick unbiased efficient statistical tree (QUEST) and logistic regression in SPSS 20.0. Results There were four predictors by QUEST and the logistic regression analysis, maternal air conditioner use during pregnancy (OR = 0.316, 95% CI: 0.215-0.463 newborn complications (OR = 4.277, 95% CI: 2.314-7.908) and paternal consumption of freshwater fish (OR = 0.383, 95% CI: 0.256- 0.573) were second-layer predictor (χ2 = 45.248, P = 0.000; χ2 = 24.212, P = 0.000); and maternal depression (OR = 4.822, 95% CI: 3.047-7.631) = 23.835, P = 0.000) The prediction accuracy of the t ree was 89.2%. Conclusion The air conditioner use during pregnancy and paternal freshwater fish diet might be beneficial for the prevention of autism, while newborn complications and maternal depression might be the risk factors.
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I never planned on joining a study tour abroad during my summer break.I was beyond excited for my short semester abroad in the UK.I packed my suitcase,unpacked,